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New Gen. Hugh Shelton badmouths Wesley Clark
[link|http://www.losaltosonline.com/articles/2003/09/23/news/community/news01.txt|I guess he doesn't like him very much].


"What do you think of General Wesley Clark and would you support him as a presidential candidate," was the question put to him by moderator Dick Henning, assuming that all military men stood in support of each other. General Shelton took a drink of water and Henning said, "I noticed you took a drink on that one!"

"That question makes me wish it were vodka," said Shelton. "I've known Wes for a long time. I will tell you the reason he came out of Europe early had to do with integrity and character issues, things that are very near and dear to my heart. I'm not going to say whether I'm a Republican or a Democrat. I'll just say Wes won't get my vote."

I say:

Vague but devastating. This guy knows how to insinuate.

It'll be interesting to see if this gets backed up with any details in the near future.

Americans: a pack, not a herd.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New Gen. Shelton the Clinton-Gore accomplice?
Hmmm.... is this the same Gen. Hugh Shelton who was behind the Clinton administration's heinous secret plans to unilaterally (albeit with British help) invade Iraq and establish a puppet government there? [link|http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/1999/lar_shelton_2603.html| Why General Shelton must retire now]

You gotta wonder what fiendish scheme the Clinton-Gore puppetmasters are cooking up now, playing their accomplices against each other like that.

I'm not a complete idiot -- some parts are missing
New Lyndon LaRouche conspiracy theory! Love it!
Not many guys would go out on such a limb as to postulate Bill Clinton actually doing something on this scale. What a subgenius.
Americans: a pack, not a herd.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
     Gen. Hugh Shelton badmouths Wesley Clark - (marlowe) - (2)
         Gen. Shelton the Clinton-Gore accomplice? - (GBert) - (1)
             Lyndon LaRouche conspiracy theory! Love it! - (marlowe)

I never want to see that line out of context.
31 ms