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New Not a big deal, it'd be a violation of the GPL too.
They're saying you can't tangle their stuff up with anything that would obligate them beyond their license terms. Fair enough. Likewise, the GPL says you can't tangle GPL'd code with stuff that would obligate beyond the terms of the GPL. I see no conflict.

If you want to be GPL, why do you want to mess with Microsoft's stuff anyway?
New Don't think so
At the most strict interpretation, you can't use VC compiler driven by GNU Make. And you can't put bash and anything compiled with VC on the same CD.

(did I mention that this language appears in Visual Studio .NET license?)

One Buffalo Bill
And one Biffalo Buff
     Microsoft fights GPL - (Arkadiy) - (3)
         Not a big deal, it'd be a violation of the GPL too. - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
             Don't think so - (Arkadiy)
         Gratuitous sour grapes - (kmself)

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