The only positive statement that can be said about the Clinton admin re the national debt is that for 2 years of his admin, the rate of increase from the previous year was lower than it had been for a long time. That's it, folks... Nothing to see here. The rate still increased. Or to substitute, Bill Clinton also chose to "pass the bill on to new generations." As did GHWB, as did RR, as did JC, and so on.
Does this statement have any impact on a thinking person?
Probably not.
I don't think some people understand the difference between the Budget and the National Debt. Fewer seem to understand the concept that one must balance the Budget (spend only what one has) before one can even begin to work on the National Debt(*).
Unfortuately, I think some people think that that because the Debt is so large, it has become a meaningless number -- that they can add to this Debt any amount because they don't believe it will affect them one way or another.
Alas, I think that even thinking people will forget that these were the exact same arguments used against Democrats during the Reagan-Bush years. Republicans were argued to be more Fiscally Responsible because they didn't control Congress. Those damned Democrats controlled Congress and were spending money that they didn't have. I believe I remember arguments for a Balanced-Budget admendment, THRO (Throw those Hypocritical Rascals Out) and Term Limits.
Now, I think that some of these people, facing the fact that Republicans are in charge of House, Senate, and White House...and aren't balancing the budget and paying off the national debt are trying to minimalize statements regarding Fiscal Issues by stating that "The Debt will never be paid off" and "It doesn't matter."
Certainly some of them are unhappy - they would like to claim that the Budget could NEVER be balanced - but unfortuately for them, Clinton actually achieved this milestone.
So, when their candidate can't meet even this milestone - they attempt to put Clinton's accomplishments "in the proper light".
* - If one one rates for inflation, one 20th President did lower the National Debt without balancing the Budget.