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New Does your car have antil-lock brakes?
If so, your foot on the brake pedal is only a suggestion of how hard to brake.

If not, then are you sure you're one of the <1% of all drivers who can get better control than modern anti-lock? Really? Are you sure? Even on wet leaves that you didn't see around a curve?

I don't usually pull the Luddite card, and this particular plane may be a little too early a generation for this to apply, but highly profiecient operators of anything have always balked when someone tried to automate control. There were people who didn't trust carburetors to mix fuel as well as they did by adjusting the petcock. When's the last time you adjusted your fuel/air mixture on the fly?

I don't know enough about this particular plane to have an opinion, but there will someday be a plane that is a better "pilot" than most any human operator you're likely to find. And pilots will be the last ones to trust it.

Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
New Re: Does your car have antil-lock brakes? Yes.. but -
Actually, I pretty much agree with the theme of your post :-\ufffd

The 'but' part:
The ABS is a completely separate unit, with its own pump (!) and hydraulic accumulator and yes! All Those Transistors.

It came on mine. Were I an anal Luddite, I could remove Fuse-30 and it would be completely out of the circuit. (I've also tested it, on a drizzly PM - you know.. often enough these suckers remain Unused for Years at a time, and - I wanted to make sure that a little of that

[recently flushed - also worth doing at least every 2 years, on the whole hyd. system of any car or thing]

fluid got flushed through all those orifices. Also - on irregularly-slippery stuff (as you describe) - only a fool would argue "I can do it Better" ;-)

As to the airplane (or a reactor or a Battleship or a ___)
I'll stick with a mantra ~ that

a) NO MACHINE possesses the (at-best) capability of juggling so many variables to reach a fuzzy-decision.. as does a properly alert and trained homo-sap mind.

B) HAL-9000 (the final release, not that alpha) is so far out of reach of our fledgling comprehension of [how dat mind Doo Dat !???] as to be simply laughable for the long foreseeable. Count widgets? perfect! Do triage about life/death? Bzzzzzzt

So nope, I won't fly in one of those MBA [1]cost-experiments any time soon.. not out of abject {{fear}} for my miserable existence, but: disdain & disgust at the presumptuousness, engineering-HUBRIS! of irreversibly LOCKING OUT the greater source of intelligence aboard! You are truly Spam in a Can, one designed by Hormel + the wet-behind-ears MBAs whose Real Mission is:

Pilot $Replacement$
(fly the planes from ground via satellite with lo-bid Accountant in a rattan cubicle in Bangalore, anyone ??)

Call it a merely personal protest at the dumbed-down digital-think 'mind' inaction.

We also serve who only stand and carp

[1] - agree with mmoffitt re the PLASTIC too
{don't need the shuttle to remind me that it BREAKS; it doesn't bend}
I've seen pics of horribly bent DC-3 airframes long ago - flyin the Hump in Burma. They LANDED!

BEND >>>> {greater greater-than} BREAK every single TIME.
The Unmitigated stat-besotted Assholes...
(designing out-of-range of the Danger, like any Chicken-Hawk would.)
     I did a stupid thing. Opinions sought. - (mmoffitt) - (35)
         You've got time... - (gdaustin) - (4)
             Was hoping for a 737 ;-) -NT - (mmoffitt) - (3)
                 Idiot - (deSitter) - (2)
                     You're being cranky. Go to bed. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                         He, and likely others are ticked off at me for injudicious.. - (mmoffitt)
         Are you (or they) the nervous type? - (Another Scott) - (1)
             It's a package deal, dunno what my options might be. - (mmoffitt)
         Quit worrying about it. - (bepatient) - (3)
             I think it's a "principle" thing with me. - (mmoffitt) - (2)
                 Point is... - (bepatient) - (1)
                     Thanks. - (mmoffitt)
         Get some numbers - (pwhysall)
         Don't say a thing. Put seat back and snooze... -NT - (jbrabeck) - (15)
             Or drugs - (broomberg) - (14)
                 I'd be more likely to trust him with the stick. - (mmoffitt) - (12)
                     But, ignorance is bliss! - (a6l6e6x) - (5)
                         That's probably the best advice yet. - (mmoffitt) - (4)
                             Congratulations - (Steve Lowe) - (1)
                                 Thank you. - (mmoffitt)
                             Congratulations to you and Robin on your 20th! - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                                 Wow, not that is impressive! Congratulations! -NT - (mmoffitt)
                     FWIW, I agree with your rationale implicitly.. - (Ashton) - (5)
                         Sentient LRPD sez____Due to a vast miscalculation, - (Ashton)
                         Nuclear power plant controls. - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                             Not too comparable, maybe - (Ashton)
                         Does your car have antil-lock brakes? - (drewk) - (1)
                             Re: Does your car have antil-lock brakes? Yes.. but - - (Ashton)
                 My practice is Mai Tai's - (tuberculosis)
         Thanks All! -NT - (mmoffitt)
         Re: I did a stupid thing. Opinions sought. - (deSitter) - (5)
             Its in Flame already...stay on target! -NT - (bepatient) - (3)
                 Yeah, BeeP: wallow in the opportunity; it's so ___Cleansing -NT - (Ashton) - (2)
                     ...currently wallowing... -NT - (bepatient) - (1)
                         ...slithering - more effective! :-\ufffd -NT - (Ashton)
             Oh, heavens, I'm on your list? Dear me, Dear me. - (mmoffitt)

An eye is upon you!
47 ms