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New 10 reasons why Bush won't get elected.
3. Rushing in as fools are said to do, GWB has tied down the greatest military in the history of the world. Ours. Half our combat-ready army is looking for snipers and bombers in unruly countries that look as tribal as they were a century ago when the British failed as imperialists in the same sand and mountains.
8. GWB is running a "borrow-as-you-go" government, exploding the national debt by hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars compared to Clinton-era surpluses. Given the choice of "tax and spend" or "borrow and spend," he has chosen to pass the bill on to new generations.
10. GWB lies a lot.

It is much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why?
Because it is easier to give someone the finger than it is to give them a helping hand.
Mike Royko
New You keep telling yourself that.
If the Dems don't come up with a candidate...Bush is gonna walk in for another term.

If the "debate" was any indication of what we have in store...the Dems are in serious trouble.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

New Right.
With any kind of responsible press examination of Bush's "results", all the Dems would need to put up is a living body.
It is much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why?
Because it is easier to give someone the finger than it is to give them a helping hand.
Mike Royko
New He might be more correct than you think....
although, before I read this article, I wouldn't have thought so.

I\ufffdve read this wartime script before: It\ufffds the one Richard Nixon and the boys used to obliterate George McGovern in 1972. Nixon took the relative high road, touting his secret peace plan to end the Vietnam War, while his henchmen, led by Vice President Spiro Agnew, portrayed (not without some justification) the Democrats as a party that had been invaded by a new generation of hippy peaceniks who loved nothing more than \ufffdamnesty, abortion and acid.\ufffd As a result, Nixon won re-election by a landslide in the midst of an unpopular war \ufffd through, interestingly, the Republicans didn\ufffdt gain an inch in Congress.


White House insiders I\ufffdve talked to in recent days say, in sum, the following: that they plan to sell the president to the country based on what they see as his strength of character, his leaderly resolve and his sense of moral clarity \ufffd a man\ufffds man, in other words. Critics who suggest another way in Iraq, one insider told me, tend to favor \ufffdnegotiations and embargoes. If they want to pursue a pacifist approach,\ufffd he said, \ufffdwell, that\ufffds a debate we are prepared to have.\ufffd

In other words, that is the debate they want to have. And by the way: Administration types and their Republican allies really do believe that critics of the war are dangerous.
[link|http://www.msnbc.com/news/964417.asp?0cv=CB20| MSNBC ]

Democrats - need a front runner who is unquestionably a patriot (Clark is assured a running-mate position if he wants one).

And they need to craft their political arguments carefully. Arguing whether or not we should've gone into Iraq is pointless - we're already there. Arguing whether or not our President has stretched our military too thin is not.

PS: Read Bepatient's post carefully : one possible interpretation (which may or may not be what he intended) - which I think you'll agree with:
    Democrats have already won this election - it's up to them if they lose it at this point.
Expand Edited by Simon_Jester Sept. 11, 2003, 06:18:08 AM EDT
New Not quite...
...but is is certainly winnable...dunno if I'd say yet that its theirs to give away...but its close.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

New s/the Dems/the USA/
Bush is gonna spend you guys back into the stone age if you don't rein him in.

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New But our stones will be better than all others!
New New phrase in Ontario
based on the incumbent premier's happy happy joy joy giveaway of taxpayer money due to an election in a few weeks:

"What do you want, a tax and spend Liberal or a borrow and spend Conservative?"

The corollary: is it better to pay your way now or pass it on to your kids? What kind of person do you want to be?

The Conservative party in Ontario is very likely to get tossed out in the next election, and not a moment too soon.

In Alabama, apparently they've decided to hand it on to their kids. My take on that one is that the governer should start closing schools and hospitals, and prioritize it based on the percentage of the district that voted agains the tax raise he wanted to make.
--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton                            jake at consultron.ca *\n* [link|http://consultron.ca|http://consultron.ca]                   [link|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada               [link|news://news.consultron.ca|news://news.consultron.ca] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
New Quit it!!!!!!!!!!
In your post, you (or whatever fucking moron you quoted) interchangeably used the budget surplus/deficit with the national debt. It's not the fucking same, okay!

8. GWB is running a "borrow-as-you-go" government, exploding the national debt by hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars compared to Clinton-era surpluses. Given the choice of "tax and spend" or "borrow and spend," he has chosen to pass the bill on to new generations.

Don't know how this fits into the agenda but [link|http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/opd/opdpenny.htm|http://www.publicdeb.../opd/opdpenny.htm]

If you are willing to do the math, it can be expanded to :

date Percent increase from prev year
9/03/03\t 8.43%
9/30/02 6.76%
9/28/01\t 2.30%
9/29/00\t 0.32%
9/30/99\t 2.30%
9/30/98\t 2.05%
9/30/97 3.48%
9/30/96\t 4.80%
9/29/95\t 5.65%
9/30/94\t 5.99%
9/30/93\t 7.86%
9/30/92\t 9.82%
9/30/91\t 11.79%
9/28/90\t 11.63%
9/29/89\t 8.93%
9/30/88\t 9.69%

Seems to me like number 8. is more like number two. We gave up on the debt in the sixties, the budget surplus/deficit is just a football to kick around for the double digits. Notice one thing? There is never a decrease in the debt, is there? Even at the height of "prosperity" of the late 90's, the debt still increased...

Big pet peave of mine. Please quit throwing out junk like this.
Just a few thoughts,


But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything you've got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

Y. Islam - Father and Son
Expand Edited by screamer Sept. 11, 2003, 12:12:01 PM EDT
New Of course it increased...
There's interest on it.

If you get a creditcard, even if you make your minimum payment, they STILL add to the debt the interest charges.

Now, if you're running around with a credit card nearly maxed out and you start CHARGING on it, the debt is going to go up a LOT faster.
New Yep... But that's why this is so offensive.
I quote:
"8. GWB is running a "borrow-as-you-go" government, exploding the national debt by hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars compared to Clinton-era surpluses. Given the choice of "tax and spend" or "borrow and spend," he has chosen to pass the bill on to new generations."

Substitute the word Bill Clinton, GHWB, RR, JC, GF, RN, LBJ, JFK, DDE, etc... for GWB and the first line is true until you get to the "compared to" piece. There were 0 surpluses in the national debt during Clinton's entire two terms nor during any other contemporary president. The entire statement is Bogus with a capital B. It is this kind of self serving juvenile bullshit that causes liberal folks like me to stay away from the polls all together.

Using your analogy, let's say you owe $5,000,000.00 on your credit card and because you didn't need spend $50.00 on a new security fence this year that you have a $50 dollar "surplus". You still owe $5,000,000.00 plus interest... The only positive statement that can be said about the Clinton admin re the national debt is that for 2 years of his admin, the rate of increase from the previous year was lower than it had been for a long time. That's it, folks... Nothing to see here. The rate still increased. Or to substitute, Bill Clinton also chose to "pass the bill on to new generations." As did GHWB, as did RR, as did JC, and so on.

Does this statement have any impact on a thinking person?
Just a few thoughts,


But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything you've got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

Y. Islam - Father and Son
New Probably Not....

The only positive statement that can be said about the Clinton admin re the national debt is that for 2 years of his admin, the rate of increase from the previous year was lower than it had been for a long time. That's it, folks... Nothing to see here. The rate still increased. Or to substitute, Bill Clinton also chose to "pass the bill on to new generations." As did GHWB, as did RR, as did JC, and so on.

Does this statement have any impact on a thinking person?

Probably not.

I don't think some people understand the difference between the Budget and the National Debt. Fewer seem to understand the concept that one must balance the Budget (spend only what one has) before one can even begin to work on the National Debt(*).

Unfortuately, I think some people think that that because the Debt is so large, it has become a meaningless number -- that they can add to this Debt any amount because they don't believe it will affect them one way or another.

Alas, I think that even thinking people will forget that these were the exact same arguments used against Democrats during the Reagan-Bush years. Republicans were argued to be more Fiscally Responsible because they didn't control Congress. Those damned Democrats controlled Congress and were spending money that they didn't have. I believe I remember arguments for a Balanced-Budget admendment, THRO (Throw those Hypocritical Rascals Out) and Term Limits.

Now, I think that some of these people, facing the fact that Republicans are in charge of House, Senate, and White House...and aren't balancing the budget and paying off the national debt are trying to minimalize statements regarding Fiscal Issues by stating that "The Debt will never be paid off" and "It doesn't matter."

Certainly some of them are unhappy - they would like to claim that the Budget could NEVER be balanced - but unfortuately for them, Clinton actually achieved this milestone.

So, when their candidate can't meet even this milestone - they attempt to put Clinton's accomplishments "in the proper light".

* - If one one rates for inflation, one 20th President did lower the National Debt without balancing the Budget.
New Absolutely agreed
The reason this issue becomes such a hot button for me is that the national debt represents the economic collapse (and all the interrelated collapses) of America at some future point. This is the "crazy aunt in the basement" that noone, regardless of idealogy or political affilliation, wants to talk about. The last man who tried, a Republican university professor name Gingrich, had his ass hung out to dry.
I also believe that Al Gore very publicly tried to clean up government waste and those affected cost him the last election.

When politicians try to do the "right thing", it usually means pain and suffering from some group. To really address the national debt would require major pain and suffering for a large group of individuals (ie massive government layoffs, large tax increases, freezing new spending for a great amount of time, etc.). The politicians that do this will be rewarded with not being re-elected. To add further insult, the newly elected group coming in will probably be elected to "fix" the problem that the last group created and "re-fund" the cut programs or entitlements... The passion play continues.

The scary part for me is that we had the opportunity during the nineties to use the "peace dividend" that followed the cold war, the Contract with America, a very reform minded Vice President, a booming economy and... the result for the national debt... The rate of increase lessened. This is a hardly an stellar accomplishment. For a few brief moments in the nineties, our government started to do the right thing, but now we're back to business as usual.

On the Democratic political bright side, there most probably will be a political backlash against the Republicans in the next election. I base this on my own experience. As a lifelong Democrat, my biggest wish was always for the "my party" to hold all three branches of government. I got that wish in '92. By '93 I was extremely dissillusioned and by '94 I voted for the last time - a straight Republican ticket. I thought I was being radical... :-)

The Repubs now have it all and I would assume that thinking Republicans would be getting dissillusioned about now. Who knows what the backlash will be?

I want to see the Democrats take back the House in the next election just as a balance. I think that is more realistic than taking the White House and they should be trying to concentrate their national efforts on that. I watched the first Democratic debate the other night - Bill Patient is right. The Demos don't stand a chance other than with Gebhardt and the cast of characters that are going up against him in the primaries will ensure that he steps all over his dick to get the nod. He will step up to the plate, as did Dole, in an un-winnable election. (We came through 9-11, we fixed the economy, we've made great progress in fighting terrorism, blah, blah, blah).

I guess in a way, the national debt is meaningless, given the system and the "will of the American public", noone wants to be inconvenienced into paying it off.
Just a few thoughts,


But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything you've got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

Y. Islam - Father and Son
New It can be done
as a proportion of our GDP, our debt in the early nineties was much greater than yours was. We've payed off (IICC) some 10% of it since then; that is, we've cut the size of our debt by app. 50 billion dollars. That would be somewhat similar to trimming half a trillion from yours.

Sure, at the current rate, it's going to take a century to pay it all down, but you know what? That's not really a long time in the life of nations.
--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton                            jake at consultron.ca *\n* [link|http://consultron.ca|http://consultron.ca]                   [link|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada               [link|news://news.consultron.ca|news://news.consultron.ca] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
New Man, if we could only look to the north...
we could see that some things are possible. The problem with this is (although most US'ers feel Canada and the US are really one entity separated by ones propensity to handle cold climate), because of your brethren to the east who refuse to stop talking that crazy surrender monkey language - we can't pay attention to the rest of your country on many issues other than SCTV (the greatest comedy series ever) and other entertainment/entertainers and fishing.

I thank you for trying to give hope. In all seriousness, I have small children who I hope will grow up with a decent standard of living and a peaceful time period in history. I haven't given up all hope, which is why I'm still bitching and pointing out the problem.
Just a few thoughts,


But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything you've got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

Y. Islam - Father and Son
New Insouciance about that word "debt" appears now to be
deeply engrained in our ersatz-culture. I suppose I could dig for the usual #s re average CC-holders' running balances {at rates in the %20s}.

I know of university educated folks, some maybe only 5 years younger than I who thus, can add.. behaving no more sententiously about instant gratification than the 13 yo with a stolen CC at the Mall.

Naturally I'm biased, coming from a Gen whose parents lived the depression and survived (well, one of them) WW-II. I've never taken out a car loan, and have paid off CCs sfter using their convenience for the month - except for periodic intentional "min pays" to put a glitch into their stats on my habits.

(Real Estate loans never count - house buying in US has been a subsidized commodity almost forever - though even That is far less certain a tax-break now in '03, if one is anticipating a Reckoning occurring sooner rather than that fantasy of never.)

Hardly anything need be said about the stark hypocrisy of all the pols, and about the resemblance to the Ostrich of most Muricans - as expressed by Jake IIRC, "Tax & spend VS Borrow & spend" pretty well limns the shell game of premeditated langage murder.

Yup... Nobody wants to look at Crazy Aunt Maude.. still. ergo -

Nobody for President!
Nobody Can! bring rationality to a Murican Dreamstate policy.
Nobody Will speak honestly about the idiocy that is now epidemic.
(Nobody saves!) too..

(Nobody for Congress too - She Can Do It All!)

New the winnah is? no taxes paid by anyone >$50K
raise the minimum wage to $50k the fools will elect his ass.
"You're just like me streak. You never left the free-fire zone.You think aspirins and meetings and cold showers are going to clean out your head. What you want is God's permission to paint the trees with the bad guys. That wont happen big mon." Clete
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
     10 reasons why Bush won't get elected. - (Silverlock) - (16)
         You keep telling yourself that. - (bepatient) - (6)
             Right. - (Silverlock) - (2)
                 He might be more correct than you think.... - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                     Not quite... - (bepatient)
             s/the Dems/the USA/ - (pwhysall) - (2)
                 But our stones will be better than all others! -NT - (jbrabeck)
                 New phrase in Ontario - (jake123)
         Quit it!!!!!!!!!! - (screamer) - (7)
             Of course it increased... - (Simon_Jester) - (6)
                 Yep... But that's why this is so offensive. - (screamer) - (5)
                     Probably Not.... - (Simon_Jester) - (4)
                         Absolutely agreed - (screamer) - (3)
                             It can be done - (jake123) - (2)
                                 Man, if we could only look to the north... - (screamer) - (1)
                                     Insouciance about that word "debt" appears now to be - (Ashton)
         the winnah is? no taxes paid by anyone >$50K - (boxley)

... should the Index Book of Everything in the Library contain a listing for
... The Index Book?
... which is also in the Library.
... or would that belong in the Meta-Index..
... or The List of Lists...
... or The Index of Indices....
... which Cannot be placed In The Library.....!
... (but only in the Meta-Library???)

86 ms