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New The case against seeking an exit strategy
[link|http://www.heritage.org/Research/AsiaandthePacific/HL680.cfm|Sometimes it just gets you in deeper]


By 1950, the government of Syngman Rhee appeared to the North to be weak and fraught with internal disunity. Hearing Acheson's public statements and seeing that the United States had not intervened when mainland China fell to the Communists, Communist leaders concluded that the United States would not support Syngman Rhee with troops. These indications of U.S. indifference to Korea are likely to have given weight to Kim Il Sung's arguments in Moscow and Beijing. Finally, the Soviet Union and China gave in to Kim Il Sung's persistent pleas to permit him to seize South Korea. 5

Such statements by American policymakers before the start of the Korean War show the perils of appeasement, conflicting diplomatic signals, and isolationism. The invasion that followed proved that public indications of America's desire to exit a quagmire do not facilitate such a move.

I say:

All too releveant to the terrorist problem. If the US had been firmer with Islamofascism earlier, we might not be in this mess now. Aw, but what does history know?
Americans: a pack, not a herd.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New Aesop would have to concur...
Better to live one day as an ass than 100 years as a lion.

I'm not a complete idiot -- some parts are missing
     The case against seeking an exit strategy - (marlowe) - (1)
         Aesop would have to concur... - (GBert)

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