Sorry, but I find it hard to believe that the ones who would dance on our graves are but a tiny minority of Muslims. A minority, perhaps. But why is there so little condemnation of such atrocities from the rest? Even the few religious leaders who have condemned the attack have talked out of both sides of their mouths. People with an attitude like that fall into two categories: terrorists and potential terrorists. And when the potential terrorists choose to realize their potential, we'd best be prepared to kill them at the very earliest signs, because that's the last chance we'll get. They're not to come up to us and say "though you should know, I just decided this morning to turn terrorist. So look out!" We must be prepared do this, no matter what fraction of the total population they turn out to be.

But if by some chance you turn out to correct in your estimation, and they really are a tiny minority, that's fine with me. Just be sure. No wishful thinking. Wishful thinking can be fatal.

I'm perfectly willing to let a version of Islam survive. But not a version that would fail to condemn terrorism in the strongest terms. And not a version that condones blaming other nations for one's own failings. That's just further up the same slippery slope. And if they can bring themselves to admit that the Jews had Palestine first, that would help a lot. Unless they want to give it back to the Canaanites.

Oh, and their centuries old tradition of absolute rulers has got to go. That's a major source of their misery. And since they insist on blaming us for their misery, it's in our interest to lift them up out of that cesspit. Even if they don't want to come out. Especially if they don't want to come out. Force democracy and human rights on them. I'll meet them halfway: I won't absolutely insist they let women vote. But they've got to let *some* people vote.

Note: there is nothing quite like suicide terrorism in any other religion or cultural tradition, except for the Kamikaze pilots of Japan, and that's a much more recent development. The Crusaders were much more conventional than this. Likewise the Assyrians, Genghis Khan, the Vikings, the Goths, the Jacobins, the Apache and any other great non-Muslim terrorist organizations of history. The IRA don't actually sit in the dynamite-laden vehicles they detonate. The anarchists have the sense to run away after they throw their bombs. Suicide terrorism is an Islamic innovation.