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New The modern Revisionist rides AGAIN!

The bombing of the U.N. complex and the earlier bombing of the Jordanian Embassy actually are indications the United States is succeeding in Iraq.

The original strategy of the terrorists was what might be called the Mogadishu strategy. Kill a few Americans, and they will leave, as they did in Somalia in 1993.

The terrorists killed a few Americans, and we didn't leave. And the terrorists discovered a downside to attacking Americans. Americans shoot back.
[link|http://washtimes.com/commentary/20030826-092629-5614r.htm| Jack Kelly ]

But...isn't that an indicator that our plan ISN'T working? No, not the "lets rebuild Iraq and the Iraq people want to trust us and hug us and love us forever BS. That BS is easy to dispell with the simple fact that we AREN'T giving Iraq any democracy - they don't get to decide and we're now hiring their thugs to keep them in line. No one knows what they'll do the minute they get to decide for themselves.

No, the plan that isn't working is Bush's "Wallpaper" plan.

What the media, and U.S. Democrats affect not to grasp, is that the soldiers are now replacing targets that otherwise would be provided by defenceless civilians, both in Iraq and at large. The sore thumb of the U.S. occupation -- and it is a sore thumb equally to Baathists and Islamists, compelling their response -- is not a mistake. It is carefully hung flypaper.
[link|http://www.davidwarrenonline.com/Comment/Jul03/index150.shtml| David Warren ]

Hmm...maybe we need better bait?
New Disagree on one point:
No one knows what they'll do the minute they get to decide for themselves.

I disagree. The US "leadership" knows exactly what the Iraqis will do when they get to decide for themselves. The will create a Muslim state, hosted exclusively by the sect that is the majority (Sunnis, IIRC). This Mohammadian Paradise will: 1) "ethnically cleanse" the members of the other sect, and the Kurds, and 2) be every bit as hostile to their "liberators" as is every other Muslim oligarchy that populates that hellhole of a region.

(And its that second thing that's bad for bizniss in These Here You-nighted States!)
Boy I'd like to see those words on a PR banner behind [Treasury Secretary John] Snow at the podium:
Jobs and Growth: Just Wait.

John J. Andrew, unemployed programmer; see jobforjohn.com
New A-la the major explosion today at a Mosque in Iraq?
New Shiite are the majority
New Feigned impatience on your part is not failure on another's.
This is going about as well as Germany after Hitler was defeated, and that ain't bad. It's going way better than Mogadishu - or way worse, depending on which side you're on.

Say, which side is that?
It's time for the US to infringe on the sovereignty of Liberia!
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New You're with us or you're against us, eh?
Failure on anothers part is failures on another part, regardless of impatience: feigned or otherwise.

Me, I'm on the side of Americans. I hate to see Americans killed, for any reason, and I take no delight when one dies.

Alas, we have those in our country that seem to delight when Americans are killed. They cheer when American are killed: for duty, for honor, for a cause.

Certainly there are causes that are just. Causes worth championing.

But while I honor the cause; I take no delight in the death of Americans fighting thoses causes.

Some people do; some of them even proudly proclaim themselves to be patriots.

What side are you on Marlowe?
Expand Edited by Simon_Jester Aug. 29, 2003, 03:56:48 PM EDT
     Kelly keeps score: Iraq vs Kosovo - (marlowe) - (8)
         Right - (jbrabeck)
         The modern Revisionist rides AGAIN! - (Simon_Jester) - (5)
             Disagree on one point: - (jb4) - (2)
                 A-la the major explosion today at a Mosque in Iraq? -NT - (Simon_Jester)
                 Shiite are the majority -NT - (scoenye)
             Feigned impatience on your part is not failure on another's. - (marlowe) - (1)
                 You're with us or you're against us, eh? - (Simon_Jester)
         Yeah, I'm really impressed. - (a6l6e6x)

For Thanks-giv-ing we had ta-ters, suc-co-tash and ru-ta-ba-gas.
47 ms