Just got back from a follow up meeting. I didn't use your slide (verbatum - :-0), but I did incorporate some of your ideas. I choose my normal route of attacking ideas and not the people who were espousing them. Believe it or not, (and sweet irony) we did eliminate all of the competition and will upgrade due to the cost of trying to migrate existing data to a proprietary vendor's format (com+/ASP).
What is now even more disturbing to me is just how many homebrews exists that were built as a result of two week courses on VB or Visual Studio... Most of the developers themselves do not understand the types of issues and problems that building their apps on proprietary frameworks and OS's create in compatibility - even between different versions of the same proprietary OS. Yada yada, sorry... I know you guys are the choir.
My frustration is growing as I get older. I may have to finally keep a New Year's resolution and start drinking - just to dull my senses enough to function in the current IT environment.
All's okay for now.