Did anyone ask for or try to establish a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza when the Arabs ruled there? No! Who doesn't UN Resolution 242 (1967) talk about a Palestinian state? Because no one dreamed of it. It is only after Israel won the Six Day war which was brought on by the Arabs and the Yom Kippur War (1973) that suddenly the Arabs started demanding a Palestinain state. Here are some links to articles which explains the legal status of the West Bank and Gaza
[link|http://www.freeman.org/m_online/jun01/shusteff2.htm|THE MYTH OF "OCCUPIED" TERRITORIES]
[link|http://www.netanyahu.org/inlawreglano.html|THE INTERNATIONAL LAW REGARDING THE LAND OF ISRAEL AND JERUSALEM ]
here is a link to the mandate itself [link|http://www.shalomjerusalem.com/jerusalem/jerusalem73g.html|1922 LEAGUE OF NATIONS MANDATE] in particular see article 6
" The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes. "
it is unfortunate that more people don't know these basic facts.