and look what the answer was. In truth most people in Israel would have no problem with getting rid of the Gaza Strip. However, it would not solve the problem. The Arabs want everything. Nabil Shaath an important minister in the PA stated over the weekend in a speech that of course the Palestinian refugees will be returning to Haifa, Jaffa, etc. They want their own Palestinian state with 0 Jews and then they want to innundate the Jewish state with 3 million Arabs. Their are already 22 Arab states with 99% of the land, do they really need a 23rd state. In addition, the British already created a Palestinian state on 80% of Palestine Jordan.
In addition, Hebron, Jerusalem and the other cities in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) are historic Israel. Jerusalem is where the 2 temples stood, Hebron is where Abraham Issac and Jacob are buried, Nablus, Joseph, Bethlehem, Rachel. These are cities with ancient Jewish conenctions.