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New Folie \ufffd deux.. folie \ufffd millon - Again!?
Forced pledge isn't any better than the decision to declare it unconstitutional for the generic "Under God".
In the immortal words of Ernst Cantorowitz, an obscure UC professor who wrote a tract at the height of the [previous..] McCarthy hysteria, entitled

The Fundamental Issue - wherein he pointed out that the Loyalty Oath was, at root "an attack upon tenure,upon the immunity from political pressures of academia - and an attack upon Free Speech. He demonstrated the absurdity of the "required oath" for Any purpose:

A Coerced Oath is Invalid on Its Face

I'm surprised that a University-edjakated One like yourself.. is unaware Still! of that entire period of US History, of Why the loyalty oath itself Was finally Struck Down.. is unaware of the fallacy of all such oaths and..
(You didn't *actually* major in Econ, did you?)

Anything else is peripheral, but there are consequences in the Mob-focus upon these incidentals:

"Mouthing-the-Words" - a habit you above advocate as a solution inculcates into the little cheeldrun the germ of the idea behind the Massive-lying of politics and bizness in the New Millennium. It is a virtual recipe for a new generation of PHBs - of the Enron scale IMhO.

Advocacy of such personal duplicity is an excellent means for conditioning the malleable young mind in a number of related attitudes about themselves and about their 'society'. Among these 'implanted suggestions' are -

A) Adults don't *really* value honesty and integrity and Principles (they lie about those Farmily Valuez, in the end. Too.)

B) Tyranny of the Majority is basically.. OK if you can (still) get away with it - but please to call this, "the illusion of consensus" - because That feels so good. SO much for any native respect In Fact for: an individual's Right to an Individual POV.

C) Ergo: all that bizness lying, political spin (the murder of Language itself) - is acceptable behaviour: so Go Out and Get Yours, and screw the consequences for any you climb-over on the Way to the Top.

D) Such a mindset inexorably paves the mental path towards:
The soul and substance of what customarily ranks as patriotism is moral cowardice and always has been...We have thrown away the most valuable asset we had-- the individual's right to oppose both flag and country when he (just he, by himself) believed them to be in the wrong. We have thrown it away; and with it all that was really respectable about that grotesque and laughable word, Patriotism.

- Mark Twain, "Monarchical and Republican Patriotism" via mmoffitt
As I said, I'm surprised that your 'US edjakayshun' + steel-trap mind for iptables and recursive descriptors: fails utterly to see how very much depends upon a culture's

Tacit acceptance of ANY 'coerced oath'

To make it reel simple, if Econ was indeed your major:
an 'Oath' is taken entirely voluntarily or.. it is a duplicitous enforcement of a false consensus. It is a LIE.
The US Constitution provides a difficult path towards expanding human awareness, responsibility for decisions made - and an individual's rights to free expression of Any Idea. In its intentional open-endedness lies its unprecedented Magnificence.

Those capable of such brave work were once called, informed voting citizens. Unfortunately, it appears that such a Grand Pledge cannot be adhered to - by a nation of perennial adolescents with lazy minds and still worshipping vengeful warrior God-things.

All and Everything
by Anon.
New Re: Folie \ufffd deux.. folie \ufffd millon - Again!?
A Coerced Oath is Invalid on Its Face

Yeah...I know it is. Bad....I said it was bad.

What I also said was declaring the oeath >illegal< for those who >want< to say it...is also bad.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

New In context of peer (and teacher) pressure and required
school attendance:

Bad Venue for renewing one's 'Voluntary Vows', then.

(We all Know how-it-was with the conformity thing; that's practically the Definition of adolescence)

Presumably at heart, relatively innocent vows actually - when the cant is stripped away, and is not confused with 'The Flag' as its symbol:

"Yeah OK.. if Something is [actually] menacing my family and friends -?- I Will try to help them! not sit on my ass and watch"

Ashton Simple Vows LLC
     The Pledge of Allegiance is no longer required in schools - (orion) - (138)
         Pledge of Allegiance no longer required? - (rcareaga) - (3)
             Evidence - (orion) - (2)
                 Re: Evidence - (rcareaga) - (1)
                     Is this the news forum? - (orion)
         Separation of Church and State. - (pwhysall) - (128)
             It is not "separation"... - (bepatient) - (127)
                 I'll beg to differ. - (inthane-chan) - (24)
                     Beg all you like. - (bepatient) - (23)
                         That's not the point. - (inthane-chan) - (19)
                             No I got it. - (bepatient)
                             However, banning is exactly what is happening - (bluke) - (17)
                                 Re: However, banning is exactly what is happening - (JayMehaffey) - (16)
                                     well stated -NT - (deSitter)
                                     Disagree completely. - (Steve Lowe) - (12)
                                         Correct... - (bepatient) - (6)
                                             Threat to long-term survival. - (Ashton) - (5)
                                                 So who decides on what proper 'indoctrination' is? - (Steve Lowe) - (1)
                                                     Re: So who decides on what proper 'indoctrination' is? - (Ashton)
                                                 Dear me... - (bepatient) - (2)
                                                     An anticipated Bowdlerization. Let me Econ- it for ya: - (Ashton) - (1)
                                                         Not necessary... - (bepatient)
                                         Doesn't have to be a specific religion - (JayMehaffey) - (4)
                                             the constitution states ... - (bluke) - (3)
                                                 Well, up here - (jake123)
                                                 Thats the common translation now bluke... - (bepatient) - (1)
                                                     I agree with that wording - (Ashton)
                                     Not true - (bluke) - (1)
                                         I'm pretty much with you on that - (jake123)
                         Folie \ufffd deux.. folie \ufffd millon - Again!? - (Ashton) - (2)
                             Re: Folie \ufffd deux.. folie \ufffd millon - Again!? - (bepatient) - (1)
                                 In context of peer (and teacher) pressure and required - (Ashton)
                 Operative word - (Silverlock) - (98)
                     Agreed - (bepatient) - (97)
                         Nit picking - (Silverlock) - (95)
                             No I didn't miss it. - (bepatient) - (94)
                                 (Op iff p) - (FuManChu)
                                 I don't think I could disagree more - (Silverlock) - (92)
                                     Well we will disagree entirely here. - (bepatient) - (35)
                                         No it isn't. - (pwhysall) - (34)
                                             No that not what he said. - (bepatient) - (33)
                                                 Re: No that not what he said. - (pwhysall) - (25)
                                                     Its not... - (bepatient) - (24)
                                                         Re: Its not... - (pwhysall) - (22)
                                                             Now we see... - (bepatient) - (9)
                                                                 Say it ain't so. - (pwhysall) - (8)
                                                                     Nazis killed people - (bluke) - (3)
                                                                         Got link? - (Silverlock) - (2)
                                                                             OT: while looking for link, found this: - (Arkadiy) - (1)
                                                                                 I don't quite grok his comment, - (Ashton)
                                                                     I want the tax dollars... - (bepatient) - (3)
                                                                         I find it ironic... - (admin) - (2)
                                                                             Aye Cap'n...there's the rub. -NT - (bepatient)
                                                                             That is ever the danger of the uninformed literal mind. -NT - (Ashton)
                                                             You are being misdirected - (mhuber) - (11)
                                                                 At Last:___The CRUX of the matter! -NT - (Ashton)
                                                                 You didn't know my chess coach. ;) -NT - (inthane-chan)
                                                                 Exactly - (Silverlock) - (8)
                                                                     Oh no, you don't. - (admin) - (4)
                                                                         Try this word - (Silverlock) - (3)
                                                                             Try this one: - (admin) - (2)
                                                                                 Response noted - (Silverlock) - (1)
                                                                                     Substantively different in kind - (admin)
                                                                     Oy shift this crap into politics - (boxley) - (2)
                                                                         That would be unconstitutional ;-) -NT - (bepatient) - (1)
                                                                             Spoken like a Strict deConstructionist. . . -NT - (Ashton)
                                                         It is not the function of government at all. - (Ashton)
                                                 Get it straight - (Silverlock) - (5)
                                                     You've entirely missed the point of church-state separation - (deSitter) - (4)
                                                         Re: You've entirely missed the point of church-state separat - (Ashton)
                                                         Quibble about liberalism - (jake123) - (2)
                                                             yes - (deSitter) - (1)
                                                                 A great Stine cartoon has graced my reefer for ages - (Ashton)
                                                 Good News Club v Milford Central Schools (1998) - (Another Scott)
                                     Can "Anti-Creationism Alliance" meet in the school gym? -NT - (Arkadiy) - (40)
                                         Why not. -NT - (bepatient) - (1)
                                             I know your answer - (Arkadiy)
                                         It already does - (Silverlock) - (6)
                                             So, it's OK to advance the cause of Atheism on Govt property - (Arkadiy) - (5)
                                                 Not my point at all - (Silverlock) - (3)
                                                     Sorry. - (Arkadiy) - (2)
                                                         Which question? - (Silverlock) - (1)
                                                             Both, please? - (Arkadiy)
                                                 Umm we've had the 'A-theism' discussion several times - (Ashton)
                                         Here's where I stand. - (inthane-chan) - (30)
                                             Only the very best representatives - (Arkadiy)
                                             Britney Spears. - (pwhysall)
                                             Science is religion - (jake123)
                                             Where I disagree with you - (Silverlock) - (26)
                                                 Discrimination - (bluke) - (24)
                                                     you answer your own question - (Silverlock) - (23)
                                                         Perversion of the Constitution. - (admin) - (22)
                                                             See my response to Beep - (Silverlock) - (21)
                                                                 Which part of it? - (admin) - (20)
                                                                     I don't agree - (Silverlock) - (19)
                                                                         And its discriminatory. - (bepatient)
                                                                         Don't see how you can call that logical. - (admin) - (15)
                                                                             Argument from authority - (Silverlock) - (14)
                                                                                 Wrong. Lame attempt at misdirection. - (admin) - (13)
                                                                                     The law is in regards to faith. - (Silverlock) - (12)
                                                                                         Doesn't matter what the law is about. - (admin) - (11)
                                                                                             Ok - (Silverlock) - (10)
                                                                                                 Heh heh... - (bepatient) - (1)
                                                                                                     Braap - (Silverlock)
                                                                                                 ... - (admin)
                                                                                                 I agree with your point, Don. - (a6l6e6x) - (6)
                                                                                                     Er... *legal* groups. - (admin) - (3)
                                                                                                         But ritual animal sacrifice is perfectly legal. - (a6l6e6x) - (2)
                                                                                                             Cool... - (bepatient)
                                                                                                             Goes in same category as the rest of the legal groups then. -NT - (admin)
                                                                                                     And I know those... - (bepatient) - (1)
                                                                                                         OK for just now: perhaps made illegal____just after WW-III? -NT - (Ashton)
                                                                         Um, no . Current case law says the opposite - (mhuber) - (1)
                                                                             Good, that's how it should be. -NT - (admin)
                                                 It seems to have come to 'about that', no? - (Ashton)
                                     Some serious disagreement - (jake123) - (14)
                                         No - (Silverlock) - (13)
                                             That is very nice - (bluke) - (12)
                                                 Its outright prejudicial.. - (bepatient) - (11)
                                                     You actually believe that? - (Silverlock) - (10)
                                                         Admin stated the views adequately above. -NT - (bepatient)
                                                         Amtrack is federally subsidized - (Arkadiy) - (3)
                                                             He wants his money back ;-) -NT - (bepatient)
                                                             Silly, but it does raise an interesting point.. - (hnick) - (1)
                                                                 Exactly. The motivation should be moot. - (admin)
                                                         Riding in the back of the bus - (jake123) - (4)
                                                             Where do you draw the line? - (Silverlock) - (3)
                                                                 Re: Where do you draw the line? - (admin) - (2)
                                                                     Was that a surrender or a .. Gah !?__:-\ufffd -NT - (Ashton) - (1)
                                                                         It was an attempt at illogic - (admin)
                         Declared unconstitutional? - (mhuber)
                 No free exercise is being touched here - (JayMehaffey) - (2)
                     Thats not at issue... - (bepatient) - (1)
                         Good. - (pwhysall)
         2 different issues - (JayMehaffey) - (3)
             Must disagree with the "remedy". Again. - (Ashton) - (2)
                 In theory yes - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
                     Then others' childhood experience was quite different from - (Ashton)
         Even in Indiana - it is not required. - (mmoffitt)

There might be poisonous gnomes hiding behind the furniture and I can't take that chance.
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