I'm more interested in how you and Gerald get on in this conversation. ;-)I wonder... I'm pretty proud I cooled down and didn't rapid-fire off the first reply that came to mind. (Still, if it's a flamewar he wants, I'll humour him at least to some extent.)
Anyway, like the French will ever go for a USofE. They're totally paranoid about cultural contamination as it is.Yeah, but that's mainly cultural contamination *from you uncouth colonials*, it seems; I don't think *European* culture scares them as much -- perhaps mainly because they trend to see it as an extension of their own.
So I think they see themselves as so much "primus inter pares" that they might still go for this; that they see a possible "Etats-Unies d'Europe" not as 'France, attached to Europe' but as 'Europe, attached to France'. (Only later vill ve tell tzem vhat 'die Vereinigten Staaten Europas' vill mean in terms off vho is really running tze shovv...)