Post #114,546
8/20/03 10:42:16 AM

Not really
The Palestinians need the jobs more then Israel needs them. It is the US, EU, etc. who are constantly pressuring Israel to let Palestinian workers in because otherwise they have nowhere to work.
Post #114,558
8/20/03 12:07:01 PM

So why don't they stop them coming in?
Or is the fact that the US puts pressure on considering that the US gives more than a billion a year to Israel have a lot more to do with it?
What would the economy in Israel be like without foreign aid and Palestinian labour?
--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton jake at *\n* [link||] [link|irc://|irc://] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada [link|news://|news://] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
Post #114,683
8/21/03 2:53:30 AM

Because the US and the EU want them to let them in
The US influence is not really an issue of money. The money that the US gives to Israel is a very small percentage of the budget and in fact most if it has to be spent in the US. The primary benificiary of the aid money are US arms manufacturers. The US has tremendous influence because of it's role as the sole superpower in the world.
Post #114,789
8/21/03 2:22:34 PM

Many countries have told the US to go stuff themselves
there's no reason Israel need be any different.
--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton jake at *\n* [link||] [link|irc://|irc://] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada [link|news://|news://] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
Post #114,815
8/21/03 4:40:23 PM

There certainly is
There is no other country that is under attack at the UN like Israel. I forget the number, buit a huge percentage of UN resolutions are against Israel. Israel needs the US on the security council.
Post #114,824
8/21/03 5:09:42 PM

Why are the resolutions being passed?
Ask yourselves that. And "wah wah we're Jewish so everyone hates us the bastard nazi thugs!" isn't the answer.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #114,853
8/21/03 10:59:07 PM
8/22/03 12:22:56 AM

For one, anti-smeitism definately plays a role
secondly there are 22 Arab countries, a whole bunch of non-Arab muslim countries, and a whole bunch of countries dependent on Arab oil.
Whatever you think about Israel it should be clear to any thinking person that Israel is not the problem in the world. Yet from the number of UN resolutions it certainly looks that way. Even Kofi Anan has admitted that the UN has been anit-Israel. The 2002 Durban Anti-RAcism conference is a perfect example. Israel is clearly not the most racist country in the world and neither is it a big source of racism, yet Israel was the focus of the conference, what is your explanation?

Edited by bluke
Aug. 22, 2003, 12:22:56 AM EDT
Post #114,841
8/21/03 9:58:27 PM
| argument there
The money that the US gives to Israel is a very small percentage of the budget and in fact most if it has to be spent in the US. The primary benificiary of the aid money are US arms manufacturers.
Best possible way for US Politicians to get graft to Defense Contractors - give US billions to another country and then demand that other country spend said billions buying US Defense contracts. Quick question - is it good for Israel in the long run? I know it's not good for the US in the long run.
Post #114,855
8/21/03 11:00:41 PM

No it's not
and a number of prominent people in Israel have said it. However, it is hard to implement.