Post #11,346
10/2/01 9:44:12 PM

And what will running away solve?
Can't take a little critcism?
Don't see me running away from all these >liberals< do you?
But we do try and keep the relevent discussions in the proper forums.
The terrorists did not declare a holy war. The Taliban discussed it somewhat.. HOWEVER...that would pretty much be the equivalent of Jimmy Jones making you say the "Our Father" right before drinking the kool-aid. Many actions have been attributed to religion that are simply the product of irrational minds trying to solve >POLITICAL< issues.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #11,348
10/2/01 9:55:54 PM

Right on, Bill!
Whom the gods destroy, they first make mad. -- Euripides
Post #11,359
10/2/01 10:19:29 PM

Minor nit..
Well.. Of Course! they are 'political'; killing folks is about 'temporal deeds', last I checked my doppelganger - but the engine / the source of power is always manipulation of, er interpretation of "something God wants you to do". You can make those scriptures say almost anything - to the illiterate and hungry (especially after you've appropriated what little they had before). Then you blame these God-less Others - for what bad shit you've been doing.
(OK I'll give ya, in pre Gorbachev times, "something The Party wants you to do". Same difference - State as God)
God's Messenger T-1 direct line
Post #11,372
10/2/01 11:44:48 PM

C'mon Ash...
God's Messenger
T-1 direct line Any self-respecting Deity would have a fatter pipe than >that< :p
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #11,407
10/3/01 5:43:30 AM

S'OK - She's not verbose.. lately
She found that the more explanation given - the more homo-saps managed to screw up Her meaning, start orgs and make fancy uniforms.
Like some of Her reeducation plans though: Jerry Foulwell gets sent to the room with the departed queers - the ones sent there earlier by his acolytes, a followin his suggestions
(I'm not supposed to mention 'bout Mr. Robertson, but - whoever thought God has no sense of humor.. just hasn't met Her.)
Post #11,424
10/3/01 9:45:40 AM

Re: And what will running away solve?
Don't see me running away from all these >liberals< do you? Gad, I hope not...what fun would that be (BE?)... Brett, stick around! Please...?
jb4 (Resistance is not futile...)
Post #11,426
10/3/01 9:55:45 AM

Damn glad you don't
" Don't see me running away from all these >liberals< do you?"
I learn more and have more fun arguing with the loyal opposition than I ever would agreeing with someone all the time. Most especially when the arguements are well thought out instead of simple shouting matches.
I am very glad of the presence of you, Marlowe, Addison, Wharris and the other right wing extremists. :-)
Hell, you've even convinced me to change my mind every now and then.
For every human problem, there is a neat, simple solution; and it is always wrong H. L. Mencken, Mencken's Metalaw
Post #11,428
10/3/01 10:02:27 AM

(Shhhh...Don't encourage them...) ;-)
jb4 (Resistance is not futile...)
Post #11,432
10/3/01 10:06:59 AM

Like they need encouragement. :)
For every human problem, there is a neat, simple solution; and it is always wrong H. L. Mencken, Mencken's Metalaw
Post #11,450
10/3/01 11:18:18 AM

..mmm...the Force is strong with this one...
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #11,477
10/3/01 12:52:27 PM

flapping my wing (flap flap flap)
Of course I don't consider myself an extremist, I just consider myself more intelligent than the typical stupid flaming liberal. :=)
Who knows how empty the sky is In the place of a fallen tower. Who knows how quiet it is in the home Where a son has not returned.
-- Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966)
Post #11,832
10/4/01 8:34:17 PM

Running away usually doesn't solve anything.
But sometimes when things get too hot it seems the only logical thing to do before you do or say something you regret.
Plus I was just proving to y'all how thin my skin still is. (:
Maybe I was afraid you guys had lost your compassion. I was wrong.
Post #11,871
10/5/01 12:36:31 AM

Re: Religion involvement.
I think the Taliban have already issued 5 Jihad announcements on the U.S. since America was attacked on September 11th.
bin Laden has supposedly sent a Jihad fax and another video Jihad, if I'm not mistaken.
Can anyone confirm or deny?
There may be more religious extremism here than you or I realize.