What's required is an ability to apply logic to basic principles (like hedonism and utilitarianism as I mentioned in another post) so as to be able to take application of those principles to real life situations to see their ramifications... similar to the food inspection example I used in my post.

Uh oh... I don't have much logic, will they help me learn how to apply it? I kinda thought it would discuss different peoples', countries', groups' concept of what was ethical or unethical...

I considered ethical the equivalent of "right for someone" and unethical as the equivalent of "wrong for someone" and it would depend on who the someone was as to what they believe. Is that totally off base?

I love to write and I love to read, so essays wouldn't be a problem. Just wondering about the logic part.

Should be interesting, if you decide to take it on.

Gonna talk to my counselor about it some more tomorrow. Thanks for the input!

Nightowl >8#