So then - your husband and counselor are 'concerned' that, should you take a class, it likely would expose you to some information, ideas which "conflict with" your present collection of information and ideas. ('Concerned' generally connotes something like 'worried'.) And you appear to be, similarly - worried about whatever Might Be Said in a next class.
And in the past, as with your mentioned (and scary?) preconceptions of what the word evolution might mean: you solved that problem of [not changing anything in your mentation] - by
I thought maybe I could take it like I took Evolution, not having to believe it just having to learn it, i.e. know the right answers and all that, not having to change how I believe because of it.Then too, you see nothing ironic in weighing the pros and cons of a course exploring ethics - and one which teaches say, sewing. Flip coin. Frankly, I can't see why you would 'take' Any 'class'. You already have all the answers you want, have no intention of challenging any of your assumptions about the world - yet classes are about expanding one's narrow horizons, a piece at a time. You however, are determined not to allow such a thing to happen! 1+0=1 (also, 0+0=remains at 0) Then you say,
Well, I considered the class because of the things we were posting in here, and the willingness to be open-minded to other's opinions and thoughts. I thought it kinda tied in nicely with all that. Nothing anyone can say will change my stances on right or wrong, I've pretty much grown into those beliefs and have no desire or need to change them, but I can learn how other people believe and not affect my own beliefs, or at least I think I could.
I don't understand, "because of the things we were posting in here" and the other "reasons". Is there some magical effect in attending a "class" with a
I think they mean conflict because many people have gray areas in their ethics and values, where I have very very few gray areas. I prefer the world to be in black and white, but at least I'm smart enough to know it can't always be. I'm used to classes that have exact questions with exact answers, as a rule, and I think that's what worries them.
Terminal clarity: You and your 'advisors' share a common mind-set-in-concrete. The common name for this phenomenon is Fundamentalism (doesn't matter whether one adds-in religiosity to the mix or not). So naturally! "they are worried too!" - that, just possibly an Original thought might.. sneak-into your solidified point-of-view --
and cause you that anguish which arises from the unCertainty of a world which is decidedly NOT a film noir: but, one which is in multi-hues, quite beyond that black&white mix which you favor! OK then. No problem.
There is only one solution to freezing-time, to match your frozen-mind, its null-aspirations for the future .. and keeping your nicely sanitized world illusion free of (all that chaotic and kaleidoscopic Colorful stuff Out There). One only, that fits perfectly into your plan. Verily I say unto thee:
Do Not expose yourself to any further uncomfortable new thoughts - by reading more of the posts here. Your perfection in recognizing The White/The Good VS The Black/The Bad
Only can you become less-Certain and less-Perfect, if you should happen to hear something which suggests: [You haven't a clue, are unlikely ever to find a clue] Particularly: DO NOT read that Tyranny of Words book! or especially, Small Gods!!. Should you actually read most of those words, there is a severe DANGER that some of them might alter 'things'. (It's a slim chance of course.. but let's not risk an accident.)
Oh and Please: don't take up a seat in a classroom somewhere, which might be filled by a person actually interested in learning about the world. This is unfair to an honest teacher, not to mention insulting. Simply, you would be there under false pretenses. [that's probably a sin of some degree - let's look for the Exactly-Right punishment for that. For even thinking of it.]
Understand that I also have an ethical dilemma, which I can now solve. You see -no, likely you don't- there is nothing that I (or anyone I know) might 'do' - to assist you in your goal-less goal and your aim for a life of perpetual undisturbed comfort.
In fact, if I could (and did) 'assist in this non-plan' - I should consider that I had committed an immoral act, that of premeditated fostering of Perpetual Ignorance thus Dependence, in another creature!
(NOT house-breaking a puppy - would be a quite comparable deed of omission).
You have displayed with a clarity so unusual as to be Startling, a desire to simply Never Grow Up - Verily, like one Peter Pan. You shall remain a someone who is perpetually taken-care-of, a flesh&blood Stepford Wife. And if you have not ever viewed That seminal movie: hie thee hence (before Nunnery Novitiate, of course) - to a Video Palace and
Ecce Homo! - which is Latin for, Behold Man!(kind).
(I can't wish you 'Luck' - because that can't happen in stasis)
PS: A life without conflict is called death.
Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..