How to decide if what you are being taught is correct or false?

I really don't have a satisfactory answer. I think this is one of those questions that requires actual experience and living a life and such to answer. And, of course, the tried and true experiment.

You don't trust your teacher, then verify.

If the question is unanswerable by experiment, it is unanswerable.

Hmmm. I decide based on what I have been taught, and what I believe. If someone teaches something contrary to that belief or learning on my part, I accept it as someone else's belief. I base my strong code of ethics on several things, my upbringing by my parents, who are very honest and straightforward people, my religion, and my basic gut instincts as well as my experiences. Obviously, if you made such and such decision and it cost you dearly, maybe it was not the right one, and such would make me rethink that choice if faced with another such decision in the future.

Nightowl >8#