"AD works well"___Maybe for *you* it does.
Call me a canary for the small-biz tyro, then. I spent several sessions of several hours with that fine O'Reilly W2K Server book, in front of the console. (In connection with possibly doing some pro bono work for a local animal shelter - which had a fancy Compaq server, RAID, cha cha cha - and no local talent)
Yes, I can imagine that a couple of enthusiastic wannabe \ufffdber-geek kids might.. manage to barely get off the ground with a small system. I also recall (in the fine [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=33203| MANual] you suggested) the plethora of AD refs - an addendum to almost every task or TLA description! - which you might be looking up in order to comprehend.
That book would have been 1/3 the size - were it edited for all users not contemplating AD. Note the remark of the highly pro-Beast author re "learning AD". He Said That: talking to Pros. AD seemed to me a Giant Switch, altering the relationship of everything you thought you had grokked - if turned ON.
If it's true that most small biz has NO full-time Admin: I cannot imagine a MBA type coming close to managing.. let alone altering an AD network! And yes - I Am incompetent to manage networks (too) - just like the SBA guy. But I read English pretty well, even English about logic - and that was not nearly enough. The plethora of interrelated details is what cuts it (out).
Maybe it's been too long.. it's hard for me, too - to remember when just
pip B:=A:*.* /V seemed sorta cryptic. But I'd bet real money that no one without extensive acquaintance with a couple generations of M$ bafflegab, nested menus AND minutely detailed understanding of networking: could ever get AD working, (or keep-working, a pro-setup) after one random arcane glitch.
I guess YM Does V, but I imagine 'AD' may have something? to do with those staying with 9x, kicking and screaming OR hiring a pricey kinda gal they have no $ to pay.
I wouldn't attempt AD even for sex - let alone $
I learned from that book! Why
OK, Lay on Mac Duff