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New Taliban defector (yes, they exist) tells of torture tactics
[link|http://www.washingtontimes.com/world/20011001-96150849.htm|Still more proof that we *are* better than them].
New Couldn't you just...
...post [link|http://www.washingtontimes.com/|a single link], and be done?

WTF are you; the Editor-in-Chief, or a salesman on commission?
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New I was put on earth for the express purpose of annoying you.
What, you weren't told?
New Too bad, 'coz then you're pretty much failing.
It's not that this is a real biggie with me, just that the pretty-much-"false-alarm" LRPDs are a bit of a disappointment: I gleefully click open a forum, expecting some big juicy post, and there's only this one-liner from you.

Couldn't you go with Karsten's suggestion, and throw several headlines into a single post, please? (Hey, it would mean even *less* work for you, posting that way.)

Otherwise, if you insist on persisting... Sorry, I can live with that. I gotta cut down on this LRPD addiction anyway. Heck, one could even say your posting style would *help* me with that -- not exactly promising, in the somewhat longer run, if the whole purpose of your existence is annoying me.

Sorry 2: For sheer annoyance value, you're nowhere near a "Tablizer" at his most clueless, a LeMoron at his normal level of obstinacy, or even a Norm or Brett at the next-to-lowest setting on their hominy-piousness scales. You're just too lucid and interesting, far too often, to annoy me all that much.

And 3, unfortunately for you, my taste in reading and correspondents seems bog-standard (for here) enough that if you don't want to piss *everybody* off (which I doubt), you can't write bad enough to really annoy *me*, either.

So you better look for a new purpose in life! :-)
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New I love you anyway.
Even if you hate me for my faith.

I've been hated for worse reasons. (:

Some might even think your faith in Atheism is a bit extreme.
I just feel sorry for you. Internal hate will likley give you cancer, ulcers and loneliness.
New "Love the sinner, hate the sin" - sound familiar?
Even if you hate me for my faith.
Oh, bullshit! I don't "hate you for your faith" -- I just find it quite annoying that you hang the dick of your stupid superstition out *everywhere*. Keep it where it fucking belongs, in church and the Religion forum, and I'll be happy. That's not too much to ask, is it?

To get at least almost back on-topic for this forum: What exactly do you American Jeezmoids who wave your Faith around everywhere think is the problem with the Taliban and other fundamentalist regimes? Just that it's the "wrong" Faith *they* wave around everywhere -- or perhaps the very fact that they *do* wave it around everywhere, whether it's appropriate or not?

Some might even think your faith in Atheism is a bit extreme. I just feel sorry for you. Internal hate will likley give you cancer, ulcers and loneliness.
Y'know, mr Worried-about-thy-neighbour, I don't think it's *me* you should be feeling sorrry for; at least *I* am not a lying sneaky bastard... What, you pretend not to know what I'm talking about? Well, you may be hoping everybody else has forgotten how the Religion forum came to be, in the first place -- but *I* remember! (And so, I'd guess, does Ben.)

So no, I don't hate you at all. *Despise* you a little, perhaps, for your stupidity in coming to believe in a childish mediaeval superstition as an adult, for your proudly flaunted ignorance ("Remember I said I'm new to religion?") of normal every-day knowledge, and for your unctuously sanctimonious attitude, as displayed in the above post (go "love" somebody else please, I'll do just as well without it) and many others.

But that's the extent of my negative feelings for you: A mild contempt, no "hate" at all. So go ahead and nurture your Martyr complex all you want, but don't try to blame it on *me*!
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New Since nobody really knows WTF is going on 'here'
- including you; do I detect a bit of sophistry (if not a variant of plain old solipsism) in such a harsh judgment? or just massive testiness today.

This Kill a Building-load of People for God shit - has left us all a bit testy, nor am I immune; as the guy said, nothing that is common to man is alien to me. Your screed reminds me how we got in this worldwide mess, I guess. Fuck - I'm not even gonna try for brevity. Just ignore it if it's too long.

I mean.. yeah it IS kind of annoying when the possessors of the One True Faith pretend they've got it All worked out; even more so when some go around knocking on doors - volunteering to straighten out strangers! And this all before they have *any idea* what their target is about, maybe.. how many evangelists s/he might have eaten for breakfast, say? Hear another POV? Suuure. Glassy-eyed stare maybe.

I don't notice Brett goin around tryin to straighten out folks' psyches, nor imagining this would be fertile territory (in case he ever does go around like that). Maybe I missed something? He seems to have a good heart, just doesn't realize how annoying it is when you come too close to that sanctimony which implies: you poor SOB, if you were as enlightened as I, you'd see the One True Faith too.

Look - they bring up little children this way, and children have no concept about what others' experience of life is like, especially if it's different. Their parents fersure don't try to inculcate that genuine tolerance, acknowledgment of one's own ignorance, as a civilizing and necessary habit - how many fucking wise parents have You ever met ?? They really *don't* understand, empathize with how others perceive their self-proclaimed Righteousness, nor its implications, intolerance.

We might as well get used to the fact that, most of the inhabitants around the planet seem to have a need for a certain amount of me-too confirmation that the things that go bump in the night are.. not gonna eat ya. It may be a genetic predisposition, for all I can guess - like the lab tests of some substances (Sci forum): some folk pronounce it bitter; others can't taste anything! Maybe also a herd thing - everyone (well most everyone) has this clan thing, family thing at least: make babies; ensure your 'immortality'. And fucking logic has just about *zero* to do with this group-religion tendency, as with the taste tests.

Personally I tend to find the most loathsome homo-sap quality - and by far the most Dangerous to all others - to be, possession of Certainty. The Taliban exemplify perfectly the symptoms of this extreme sociopathy: they perform all their bestial actions Because God Wants them to! The suffering they impose, the deaths they order - demonstrate that they give not a fuck for 'people'; only for their perverted fantasy of a God, inside their terminally diseased minds. And they are smugly Certain / Righteous! - just watch the interview with that robed hyena, by the Brit. lass.

Hey, think you have a monopoly on being pissed off at massive ignorance in action, oh irascible One? Many Nazis demonstrated more humanity than these scum. Annihilation as a terminal virus works for me - because they *are* infectious to the highly suggestible empty mind. Lots of those now: the more we warehouse people, keep them dirt-poor with running sores - the more converts to apochryphal BS. What Have they got to lose? West thinks it can keep all the goodies and ignore the suppurating billions. Hah.. PHBinaction.

Everybody wants to get in the judging business and also have the Best / the One True Religion! Few read their own holybooks with any comprehension - about judging or about, "keeping it in the pants", not wearing their beliefs on their sleeves. The books SAY that! Do they get it? Of course not: they're homo-saps! not Godlets. {sigh} Whaddaya expect from an average homo-sap: wisdom !?

Anyway - if you're quite certain that ~"nothing's there, if you can't demonstrate it on an analytical balance or measure its spin, momentum, strangeness" (?) then please consider how your Certainty (about nothingness?) makes any more sense than Theirs.
(Unless of course you're Sure You Know - how the whole fucking Cosmos operates, from aleph null on out) But then..

Let's face it: the whole juvenile species is now more and more often a gnat's ass from incinerating itself, like right now - over abstractions and fantasies around ~ WTF Would God Do with this 10 Megaton Smart Bomb?. This before.. it ever managed to grow up, to become fully functioning homo sapiens Sapiens. It bloody well might be a Righteous Murican finger on that Activate key, too. Next year? Talk about nascent Shakespearean tragedy..

Then too, we see there are some prime-grade Super-creeps out there, worshipping Thanatos! all salivatin about Who gets to start the count-down! while They (!!) get fucking 'raptured outta here' [they actually Say that] and escape to Cloud Cuckooland, and watch the incineration .. ever so sanctimoniously. I've heard em on the Tee Vee! - it's a nightly ritual, beatific knowing smiles and all. These Troglodytes are gettin ready for The Show. (Gives compassionate-fascism a Bad name.)

But I dunno if Brett's one of the ones preparin to gloat or not. Til he does reveal he's got the rest of us bar-coded for entertainment in the arena, has got his box-seat Ticket stapled to the pineal gland with the wishbones of a hundred Angels of Thanatos(?)- can we forgive him for having 'normal' parents? And being an unwise bastard like the rest of us.


New Thanks Ashton. I think you're getting it!
Christian is so high on himself and his perceived wisdom he is too blind to the fact that our enemies have declared a Holy war against civilization. (READ: religion is involved, whether he likes it or not)

His vulgar rants side closer to Satan than God's message.

P.S. Message to Tablizer and Norm :
Consider the source that is slamming you. He is obviously disturbed and unlikely to change due to anything we may say. I hope he hasn't offended either of you to deeply. I for one, appreciate your wisdom and insights.

P.S. 2 Ashton : If you see me trying to force others to turn to religion, please let me know. I am for tolerance, both for religious people and Atheists.
New CRC is just being himself
he really isnt the troll under the bridge from billy goats gruff, not withstanding his glee at jumping to your conclusions.
why did god give us a talleywhacker and a trigger finger if he didnt want us to use them?
Randy Wayne White
New Question: Should athiest extremists exclude tolerant ...
religious folks from sharing their insights in the Holy War declared by Islamic extremists?

Is their no room for religion in this forum? Christian Conrad has a tendancy to go berzerk whenever religion is brought up outside of an area he deems as athiest domain.
If y'all think there is no room for religious insights here then I will sadly leave it to the athiest extremists.
New na just tell him to piss up a rope
why did god give us a talleywhacker and a trigger finger if he didnt want us to use them?
Randy Wayne White
New -assuming he can find his dick
New Followup question...
Is the door going to stay open for the next religious group that comes through? Are we going to exclude Wiccans their opinions as well? What of Taoists? Hindus? etc?

No offense Brett, but I've seen your type of arguments before. Extreme athiests..they don't want God ANYWHERE! Damn them, we're going to allow (Christian) prayer at government meetings.

(But if someone wants to start the government with a Wiccan prayer, watch out...the Christians are up in arms.)

So, did only Christians die in the WTC? No Wiccians? No Muslims? No Taoists? No one else died? Must be, because it's a HOLY WAR AGAINST CHRISTIANS.

(Gee, and to think it might have been a holy war against religious freedom.)
New How about agnostic moderates?
I would appreciate it if you would keep religious comments in the religion forum where I don't have to see them. Your opinions, however, colored as they may be by your religious views, are certainly appropriate. Your thinly veiled proselytizing is most unwelcome. Commentary about religion is appropriate only as it is material to the discussion at hand.
For every human problem, there is a neat, simple solution;
and it is always wrong
H. L. Mencken, Mencken's Metalaw
New Well.. I'm not sure you are, entirely :[
His vulgar rants side closer to Satan than God's message.

First off, vulgar means merely 'common'. Common-speech, not necessarily scatological, impertinent or sexually colorful. As far as I'm concerned CRC understands quite well what that part of speech called an ejaculation was invented for. Those who are more offended by fuck than by atom bomb: well I'm with him on that crusade; we have become a nation of fucking euphemists where nobody fucking DIES anymore - they er.. sorta umm pass.. away...

Second off, you're doing it again: For *you* this fantasy digital yes/no good/evil Righteous/Wrong personification of 'Evil' you like to call Satan is about *your* way of dividing up the mysteries of the world. Ditto: it's *your* God which you again postulate as if..

Everyone in the fucking world has / ought to have / is lesser *for not having* this particular allegory! [among countless ones available to vivid imaginations everywhere]. Again: shades of that insufferable smugness about being uniquely Right, about all those Mysteries of there being life and consciousness and Everything. That blend of patronizing smugness the world calls sanctimony.

Can you finally wrap your mentation around this difficult concept?
There are [many] Other models of the universe than.. YOURS.

Then as to,
He is obviously disturbed and unlikely to change due to anything we may say. I hope he hasn't offended either of you to deeply. I for one, appreciate your wisdom and insights.
Either I've said it too nicely (so no need to pay attention) or too poorly (uh I don't get it) - but I don't see you *noticing* the patronizing Certainty in your words. Yet!

Now you have donned the pop-shrink mask, deemed CRC 'disturbed' (in Murica just a few years ago - that phrase uttered by a nincompoop about another: was the equivalent of another religion's I divorce you. I divorce you. I divorce you. = no appeal, either). WTF are you to diagnose anyone's 'mental condition' as diseased = merely because the expressed POV happens to contradict the POV you have adopted, adapted: and deem Revealed Truth ?

Maybe by 'disturbed' you meant 'upset'? which in Murica often means: merely making full use of the Emotional Center in concert with Intellect to make a Point [*]. But I infer from context: this was a 'diagnosis'. Please correct if it was the other.

Lastly (I hope) re If you see me trying to force others to turn to religion, please let me know. I am for tolerance, both for religious people and Atheists.

Y'know.. we've had interminable threads re what 'atheism' might connote - let alone Atheism. That VS agnostic VS ____ nuances about which these EZ lazy generalizations are too fucking crude to mean Anything. Spirituality is another concept, supposed by many to be somehow 'within the selection of a er Popular religious corporate Name'.

It isn't. Spirituality, that is. Most folk read the parts they like from a massive tome of contradictory, retranslated , interpreted phrases uttered by other men (no women) - and call the regurgitation of selected passages.. their faith? beliefs? Beliefs! Reading lots of stuff with no common [referents] in language, is fucking rote memorization.

One may eschew All of that morass, develop from experience and careful contemplation - insights and occasionally wisdom. Whether modified by the 'spiritual' vague connotation or no: it ain't about which God Name you happen to fancy ergo it's the Right One QED. (Anyone who can 'force' a religion on someone - is either Torquemada (look him up) or.. the victim is possessed of the empty mind of a jellyfish. (Maybe not so uncommon, that?)

Sorry Brett. I'm not noticing you to possess much comprehension of what genuine tolerance for other Views would be like, and mouthing the platitude is as revealing as (as CRC observed) hate the sin "love" the sinner.

Communication has failed on this issue of sanctimony, so deeply ingrained as to be invisible to the bearer. CRC's take then remains the gold-er standard: for blessed brevity.

Maybe 'wise' is an endangered-word too - disappearing into the TLA, the catchphrase. Maybe it oughtn't to be used except when it is recognized actually. But wait: that would require a certain discrimination, subtlety and the life experience of others' POV, needed to apply those. Never mind.

(But not to worry: you have Lots of company, many in robes. We'll be hearing from more and more of them, in months to come - many having no slightest intention of learning something called ~tolerance.) You are at least paying the idea lip service, even though you can't actually feel it. That is always a start - it signifies what one hopes to.. someday achieve. Keep at it.. obviates the need for a shrink, at very least. In my limited experience: 'The Wise' are an infinitesimal mminority among homo sapiens Sapiens. Miniscule, that is. For the record: I don't generally qualify (either).


New Re: The one big problem with many religions

Ashton, I really enjoyed that burst - most of the time your comments are more of the nature of observations (like 'seen it all before' many times - when will we all learn) but that burst was right from your heart & mind & gives a very interesting additional insight into your nature (which I find interesting & worth understanding).

The single biggest fuck-up of many religions is not the religion itself - Jung well understood this, it is that 'man' takes true God and tries to paint the true God in man's image (imagry) thus trully screwing up the very nature of real God. Thus man can slaughter and mistreat other animals (not in God's image), man (the male of the species) uses the imagry of a male almighty God to really screw women more than just physically, and so on and so on.

That there is Godness is eveident in the vastness and complexty of the cosmos - the more we explore, the more we learn about how complex it all is and how intricate cosmos is. The vastness of the cosmos and its ability to be as tiny as a pinhead yet at the same time as vast as millions of light years of distance is a good a basis for understanding Godness as any aspect of life. Life itself is the foundation of Godness.

But I won't rant any more - only to say that I understand CRC's frustration and yet I too, like Brett and his good intentions. Goody-goody Christianity can be irritating but I prefer it to fanatical male image godness.


Doug Marker

New Atheism is NOT a position that requires Faith.
Please desist from perpetuating this myth.

Religion requires faith - you, as a Christian (*rimshot* oh, the irony, etc), are required to accept (a) that god exists, (b) that he/she/it/them is/are omni(present|scient|potent) and (c) your sole goal in life is to ensure your place in some similarly unknowable afterlife, worshipping him/her/it/them for all eternity.

And all this in the absence of any scientific evidence of any kind whatsoever.

That's what I call *faith*.

Shill For Hire
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Dont you have faith that there is no scientific proof? duck!
why did god give us a talleywhacker and a trigger finger if he didnt want us to use them?
Randy Wayne White
New Don't need faith. Need proof.
And it ain't there.

Or if it is, it's hiding really really well.

Shill For Hire
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New OK [cackle] 'Prove' love._____________________cackle
New EZ stuff Ash look down, think lusty thoughts
scientific proof that lust works. Alone away from SO see hot whatever turns ya on and lust kicks in again. You may or may not decide to act on lust but if you feel remorse after acting or decide not to act that is respect of your SO. Scientific proof that respect exist. Go to play Bingo on YOUR Birthday even though you hate Bingo or go to a concert featuring a noted Jazz person that you think totally sux, that is proof love exists. I dont know what it is but dang sure what it aint.
why did god give us a talleywhacker and a trigger finger if he didnt want us to use them?
Randy Wayne White
New I see. Then..
If *that* 'proves' love:

I suppose that, if my index finger happened to twitch a bit - it would mean I need to rush out and buy something with a trigger to finger?

Gotcha. But remind me not to hire you to do my er accounts, with similar logic. Hmmm - how's yer company's stocks doin?

New well either that or the little man in the boat :)
why did god give us a talleywhacker and a trigger finger if he didnt want us to use them?
Randy Wayne White
New Nah.. have scientific proof that, faith is -


You have tried to acess a secure definition.
You are not cleared for this access.
(note access used as both noun and verb.)
That is how smart we are.
Repeated efforts at access shall result in disciplinary action
New Webster's Faith:
(notice non-religious reference):

"Belief without proof"

Can you prove your belief that some superbeing doesn't exist?

I'll be waiting for this proof in the Religion forum, if you have some. (:

P.S. to all those I've offended, Sorry. It looks like my time at IWETHEY has come to an end.

Peace everyone. It was fun while it lasted.
New And what will running away solve?
Can't take a little critcism?

Don't see me running away from all these >liberals< do you?

But we do try and keep the relevent discussions in the proper forums.

The terrorists did not declare a holy war. The Taliban discussed it somewhat.. HOWEVER...that would pretty much be the equivalent of Jimmy Jones making you say the "Our Father" right before drinking the kool-aid. Many actions have been attributed to religion that are simply the product of irrational minds trying to solve >POLITICAL< issues.

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Right on, Bill!

Whom the gods destroy, they first make mad. -- Euripides
New Minor nit..
Well.. Of Course! they are 'political'; killing folks is about 'temporal deeds', last I checked my doppelganger - but the engine / the source of power is always manipulation of, er interpretation of "something God wants you to do". You can make those scriptures say almost anything - to the illiterate and hungry (especially after you've appropriated what little they had before). Then you blame these God-less Others - for what bad shit you've been doing.

(OK I'll give ya, in pre Gorbachev times, "something The Party wants you to do". Same difference - State as God)

God's Messenger
T-1 direct line
New C'mon Ash...
God's Messenger

T-1 direct line

Any self-respecting Deity would have a fatter pipe than >that< :p
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New S'OK - She's not verbose.. lately
She found that the more explanation given - the more homo-saps managed to screw up Her meaning, start orgs and make fancy uniforms.

Like some of Her reeducation plans though: Jerry Foulwell gets sent to the room with the departed queers - the ones sent there earlier by his acolytes, a followin his suggestions

(I'm not supposed to mention 'bout Mr. Robertson, but - whoever thought God has no sense of humor.. just hasn't met Her.)
New Re: And what will running away solve?
Don't see me running away from all these >liberals< do you?

Gad, I hope not...what fun would that be (BE?)...

Brett, stick around! Please...?
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Damn glad you don't

" Don't see me running away from all these >liberals< do you?"

I learn more and have more fun arguing with the loyal opposition than I ever would agreeing with someone all the time. Most especially when the arguements are well thought out instead of simple shouting matches.

I am very glad of the presence of you, Marlowe, Addison, Wharris and the other right wing extremists. :-)

Hell, you've even convinced me to change my mind every now and then.
For every human problem, there is a neat, simple solution;
and it is always wrong
H. L. Mencken, Mencken's Metalaw
New (Shhhh...Don't encourage them...) ;-)
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Like they need encouragement. :)
For every human problem, there is a neat, simple solution;
and it is always wrong
H. L. Mencken, Mencken's Metalaw
New ..mmm...the Force is strong with this one...
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New flapping my wing (flap flap flap)
Of course I don't consider myself an extremist, I just consider myself more intelligent than the typical stupid flaming liberal. :=)
Who knows how empty the sky is
In the place of a fallen tower.
Who knows how quiet it is in the home
Where a son has not returned.

-- Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966)
New Running away usually doesn't solve anything.
But sometimes when things get too hot it seems the only logical thing to do before you do or say something you regret.

Plus I was just proving to y'all how thin my skin still is. (:

Maybe I was afraid you guys had lost your compassion. I was wrong.

New Re: Religion involvement.
I think the Taliban have already issued 5 Jihad announcements on the U.S. since America was attacked on September 11th.

bin Laden has supposedly sent a Jihad fax and another video Jihad, if I'm not mistaken.

Can anyone confirm or deny?

There may be more religious extremism here than you or I realize.
New Offence?
You haven't offended me, at all, ever :-)

I've responded to your request in the Religion forum. If I find that I've written all that for nothing and you've just buggered off, I shall be MOST annoyed.

Yes, there will be differences here. If you translate any difference of opinion as some kind of personal attack, then you will be quite unhappy here.

Shill For Hire
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Defence.
I think I owe you an apology, and I'm not even sure why. (:

Thanks for starting this discussion with wisdom and caution.

I'm impressed and humbled.
New Agreed
I don't mind headline posts, but would prefer if you'd either aggregate them, or post them to a single thread.

The lack of upward propogation of active threads at zIWETHEY makes for a slightly less useful interface in the presence of a large number of new threads. While the intra thread reordering of EZB was a PITA, the upward propogation of whole threads was quite handy.
Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?
New Christmas in October.
Edit Preferences.

Check the "Sort Threads By Last Modified Time" checkbox.

And then castigate me for doing development on a live system... ;-)

Then again, Zope makes 10 minute changes like this pretty easy to do, and do transparently.

-scott anderson
New Migawd Scott!
You changed a high-pressure fuel pump..

In Flight ???

Bumbling amateur bravado OR
Dazzling virtuosity ?

And the audience votes:

New Pleading the fifth.
Then again, it's not as if zIWT were a 747 in midair, LRPD-addictions notwithstanding. ;-)

-scott anderson
New And Ive adjusted the diesel injection pump on Dad's 5-ton...
...Mercedes lorry -- while he was driving it down the Autobahn, at near top speed.

(Then again, top speed on that old crate wasn't much more than 80 km/h (=50 mph) in the first place...)
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New Thank you, Santa!
New If you *ever* do something like that again...
...I may have to show genuine gratitude.

Thanks a load, Scott.
Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?
New NP :-)

-scott anderson
New And, going in the other direction.
The chief of the Iranian national police stated that, while he recognizes the issue is still controversial and being debated by government officials, the police will no longer enforce standards of behavior within homes.

He noted that if someone choses to drink alcoholic beverages or have a western style party or what have you, the police are now instructed to ignore it so long as it stays within the home.

Reported by the Los Angeles Times this weekend.
New Boggle, Iran progressive?
Who knows how empty the sky is
In the place of a fallen tower.
Who knows how quiet it is in the home
Where a son has not returned.

-- Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966)
New Hey.. we let women vote___________________about 1920.
     Taliban defector (yes, they exist) tells of torture tactics - (marlowe) - (50)
         Couldn't you just... - (CRConrad) - (46)
             I was put on earth for the express purpose of annoying you. - (marlowe) - (37)
                 Too bad, 'coz then you're pretty much failing. - (CRConrad) - (36)
                     I love you anyway. - (brettj) - (35)
                         "Love the sinner, hate the sin" - sound familiar? - (CRConrad) - (10)
                             Since nobody really knows WTF is going on 'here' - (Ashton) - (9)
                                 Thanks Ashton. I think you're getting it! - (brettj) - (7)
                                     CRC is just being himself - (boxley) - (5)
                                         Question: Should athiest extremists exclude tolerant ... - (brettj) - (4)
                                             na just tell him to piss up a rope -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                                                 -assuming he can find his dick -NT - (deSitter)
                                             Followup question... - (Simon_Jester)
                                             How about agnostic moderates? - (Silverlock)
                                     Well.. I'm not sure you are, entirely :[ - (Ashton)
                                 Re: The one big problem with many religions - (dmarker2)
                         Atheism is NOT a position that requires Faith. - (pwhysall) - (23)
                             Dont you have faith that there is no scientific proof? duck! -NT - (boxley) - (6)
                                 Don't need faith. Need proof. - (pwhysall) - (4)
                                     OK [cackle] 'Prove' love._____________________cackle -NT - (Ashton) - (3)
                                         EZ stuff Ash look down, think lusty thoughts - (boxley) - (2)
                                             I see. Then.. - (Ashton) - (1)
                                                 well either that or the little man in the boat :) -NT - (boxley)
                                 Nah.. have scientific proof that, faith is - - (Ashton)
                             Webster's Faith: - (brettj) - (15)
                                 And what will running away solve? - (bepatient) - (12)
                                     Right on, Bill! -NT - (a6l6e6x)
                                     Minor nit.. - (Ashton) - (2)
                                         C'mon Ash... - (bepatient) - (1)
                                             S'OK - She's not verbose.. lately - (Ashton)
                                     Re: And what will running away solve? - (jb4)
                                     Damn glad you don't - (Silverlock) - (4)
                                         (Shhhh...Don't encourage them...) ;-) -NT - (jb4) - (1)
                                             Like they need encouragement. :) -NT - (Silverlock)
                                         ..mmm...the Force is strong with this one... -NT - (bepatient)
                                         flapping my wing (flap flap flap) - (wharris2)
                                     Running away usually doesn't solve anything. - (brettj)
                                     Re: Religion involvement. - (brettj)
                                 Offence? - (pwhysall) - (1)
                                     Defence. - (brettj)
             Agreed - (kmself) - (7)
                 Christmas in October. - (admin) - (6)
                     Migawd Scott! - (Ashton) - (2)
                         Pleading the fifth. - (admin) - (1)
                             And Ive adjusted the diesel injection pump on Dad's 5-ton... - (CRConrad)
                     Thank you, Santa! -NT - (CRConrad)
                     If you *ever* do something like that again... - (kmself) - (1)
                         NP :-) -NT - (admin)
         And, going in the other direction. - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
             Boggle, Iran progressive? -NT - (wharris2) - (1)
                 Hey.. we let women vote___________________about 1920. -NT - (Ashton)

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