Boolean non-thought.. Moi? Ummm mea culpa, but only a tad.
On further reflection on this guy's personality and the perspective you are raising: I have to mostly agree about the "choosing your venue". I don't buy the "self-promotion of some cockamamie article featuring The Pin and The Guy" as a straw-man to impugn his character. Hey, call him a Promoter and it's == SOB. Cheap Rush-type quip.
I suspect (too) that he may well be the sort of Me-Me-Me narcissist who will countenance no rebuttal to WTF he deems Important. Accent on the suspect... But re your 300/300 I might imagine 275/300 - for tarring & feathering him:
The 25 (I can write my own stats too) may well be as fed up with the juvenile antics of petty 'guard' satraps as is Mr. Pin, but lack the guts to either do or say anything, ever. Of the 275 though: how many are Pissed 100% for the simple (identical-Me-Me-Me) reason: I Am Being Inconvenienced! [This should Never happen To Me!]
Hindsight then.. yes, had he (even ceremoniously) simply removed The Pin and sat down - the 25 might have been heartened towards some similar consequence-free display in future. The Pin does indeed go to the core of the matter - We ARE all "assumed to be Terrorists til we sorta PROVE we aren't" exhibiting docility in the face of massive encroachment upon ordinary Citizen Rights - by purely ceremonial confiscation of trivial things, as would be laughable in any piece of fiction.
So I conclude that he was 'RIGHT' -- right up-to some debatable point where an honorable cave would demonstrate a modicum of perspective, that er so-rare "scale and relativity" Thing. 20/20, as always.
I hope his suit is semi-effective. Today I guess that means -- garners a bit of yes! Publicity, so as to awaken a few more of the snoozing consumers of Airline & Admin Arrogance.. the ones who pay for this 'service'.
That's the best I can culpa on this one ;-)