there is a huge group who depend on friends, co-workers and gossip to base political decisions on. The dont vote have only the barest of ideas on how the world works and never read a paper or watch the news. This is the group of people we are responsible for.

Well, I don't vote much for a very different reason, really. Partly because my father always "made" me vote (i.e. put enough pressure and hassle on me so I would) the way he wanted me to for years. Thus, when I got out from under his thumb, I was really green about politics. I had only voted this way because, "Dad said it was the right thing."

So when I voted in the last political election, I had John sit down with me and help me understand the platform a little, and determine if indeed the party I chose to vote for (which turned out to be the party Dad approves of), was indeed standing for something I believed in and understood. I'm happy to say that when I finally voted then, I voted based on knowledge, not on past behavior.

But honestly, I get swamped trying to understand 99% of the political stuff, so I only make the effort on major elections. Maybe that makes me a bad person in some people's eyes, but to each their own, I say.

It also doesn't help that when I do vote, I tend to almost pass out sometimes in the crowded room, because a) I'm in a crowded room which makes me highly nervous, (crowd claustrophobia), b) I have to stand a long long time, which tends to make me dizzy in any stuffy room, (I took water last time and my little hand water bottle-fan), and c) I don't even know how to vote well and had to get help every time I have.

I don't know if I have enough medical basis to be given a "disability" treatment at the polls, and I've never pursued it, but I did almost pass out in that room despite my water and fan, and they were very worried about it.

Nightoel >8#