It's like crazy Aunt Martha
..nobody's supposed to Notice she's in the corner, cutting up the furniture and drooling.
The "Terrorist" bugaboo has become the Anything Goes mantra for - ANY Assholish thing (including confiscation of nail clippers!) wink-wink nudge-nudge. All to give the illusion of Doing Something, however bizarrely irrelevant to any actual Terrorist Plot 2003 remotely capable of succeeding within a plane full of people [other than quadriplegics] who are -
So this guy merely states the Obvious on his button: We Are Presumed Terrorists First and Treated As Such\ufffd YES, Murican *transportation* guardians are indeed behaving with arrant stupidity -- but we aren't supposed to say so:
Shaking down 80 yo grandmothers (fat chance with a BOX full of nailclippers or BOX-knives.) Look a bit Semitic ? Er are you Bluish, Sir? You make our WASP Captain nervous - see, he lives in a Gated Community and you *coloreds* make him a bit unbalanced. You know how it is.. He used to live in the South before them uppity.. so, if he's nervous, well - Get Your Ass off this Murican Conveyance, you fucking nervous-making unMurican wog.
It's racist, it's Silly; it brings out the worst in the fear-besotted but brain deficient - and tries to glorify the whole inane schmeer. Worst of all - it's now so often Simply Stupid. A 'sharp' fucking Medal of Honor: shall I throw it in with the nail clippers, sir? Sir? Sir!
Herd hysteria as only Muricans can wallow in to such extremes. (while feeling Good about our 'Vigilance' - that which is so lacking in imagination as to be missing much more Likely approaches, while rote looking for exact replays)
Yada & Yada. If that's obtuse: I'm It. But WTF - fly Loony Tunes if you must. Til the mere Spam-in-a-Can packaging and disdain for paying customers reduces all flights to the occasional necessity and those Bizness/Golf conference things. As they drop out one at a time. (You think I'm the only one who finds our so-typical overreaction ludicrous?)
I'll walk or drive - until we commence the strip searches | drive naked before entering the Interstate. 3 years in one of those new prisons, our main construction industry of recent years - for "evasion with a loincloth" (Probably in Texas first, land of Induhvidual Rights - right?)
meanwhile - SSShhhhhhh..
What Aunt Martha?