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New Lying may not work for you
you might feel bad about it later. How can you say it didn't work if you didn't try it? They might think that you did try it and it didn't work, and then they give you a new place to try.

You might want to try the truth, that you are working with someone, and you don't want to ruin your chances by putting your name/resume into places that the person helping you may have already placed your name/resume. Say that you want to work with your counselor, and that you appreciate the people wanting to help, but right now all you really need is moral support.

If it helps, I can give you moral support by typing in this message. I hope that you find something, good luck.

"I wonder how much of this BS Corporations will continue to shallow before they start looking into alternatives to Microsoft software?" -[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=106839|Orion]
New Re: Lying may not work for you
you might feel bad about it later. How can you say it didn't work if you didn't try it? They might think that you did try it and it didn't work, and then they give you a new place to try.

Yep, like I said in reply to the person who mentioned it, I can't lie anyway.I used to say "that won't work" but then I always wound up with the question, "Why not?" Sigh.

You might want to try the truth, that you are working with someone, and you don't want to ruin your chances by putting your name/resume into places that the person helping you may have already placed your name/resume. Say that you want to work with your counselor, and that you appreciate the people wanting to help, but right now all you really need is moral support.

I have tried the truth, to be honest. The actual truth is that I am working with a counselor and I have very specific needs, and I do not want any assistance from friends and family to locate me a job because of those needs. However, they never seem to listen to that. LOL

My counselor suggested saying that to them again and then adding that I would not be responding to any questions or comments about job offers or suggestions for employment, but I wondered if that might not be harsher or mean.

The biggest problem I have is with self-esteem when they try to help. If they say, well this bank has an opening, then I feel bad because I can't do math. If they say there is something downtown, I feel bad because I am looking for something very close by without highway driving. It feels like a no win situation most of the time, and although I tell myself I don't have to feel bad because I can't do this or won't do that, I wind up feeling bad anyway.

If it helps, I can give you moral support by typing in this message. I hope that you find something, good luck.

It does help a lot, and I thank you. That kind of support I want, luck and good wishes :) I appreciate it, Norm.

Nightowl >8#

"Only dead fish swim with the stream."
Linda Ellerbee
New I understand
I cannot drive on highways either, I am scared of highway driving after all the accidents and traffic jams I have seen in my lifetime. I used to have a fear of driving, but I got over that so I can drive on local roads. When I worked for the law firm downtown, I drove to Hanley and got on the Metrolink. They wanted me to work extra late hours there, but they didn't understand that riding the Metrolink at late hours is a security risk because of the bad neighborhoods I have to ride through. During the day it isn't so bad, but during the evenings the gangs come out and anyone dressed in a suit usually gets hassled.

You might have to say that you understand that they want to help you, but you really want moral support only. I don't think you have to be mean to say this, but maybe find another way to say it. Friends and family can be very eager to help you find a job, so much that they either forget that you told them not to help you, or they want to help you despite the fact that you nicely asked them not to.

Don't feel bad about not doing math, you are good at other things. For one, I know that you have very good organization skills from when you helped run the Haunted House, plus good communication skills. Everyone has their stengths and weaknesses. I can do basic math, but for the rest I have to use a calculator. Even with basic math I sometimes make a mistake and have to check it with a calculator anyway. I also cannot write legable writing, my handwriting skills are poor, but I can write on a computer and print it out. That is part of the reasons why I got into computers in the first place, poor handwriting and mistakes with math, so I let the computer work with me to correct that. Also I wanted to learn how video games worked, and then I got into programming and fixing computers on my own. Then I got into college and got some on the job experience. But I got so stressed out from my past few jobs that it created a lot of illnesses and a major depression and I had to quit working for a while. Now I may have to find a job after I get better, if I do recover, and it may not be in computers due to the market being so competitive and jobs going overseas.

But I am praying for you, and I wish you good luck, and hope that you find something.

"I wonder how much of this BS Corporations will continue to shallow before they start looking into alternatives to Microsoft software?" -[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=106839|Orion]
New Re: I understand
I cannot drive on highways either, I am scared of highway driving after all the accidents and traffic jams I have seen in my lifetime. I used to have a fear of driving, but I got over that so I can drive on local roads.

Well alot of my issue is my car. Although I adore my car, it just doesn't fit in well with rush hour traffic. It doesn't stop as quick as the newer ones, and it doesn't idle well or drag in slow traffic well without overheating either. It also gets very low gas mileage so it is more efficient to drive somewhere near by and not on the highway. Also the highway at rush hour tends to stress me and aggravate my panic anxiety.

You might have to say that you understand that they want to help you, but you really want moral support only. I don't think you have to be mean to say this, but maybe find another way to say it. Friends and family can be very eager to help you find a job, so much that they either forget that you told them not to help you, or they want to help you despite the fact that you nicely asked them not to.

Yeah, I am looking for the best way to say just that. It's just too much to explain to someone for them to be equipped to help me look. I'm gonna do fine looking, I just have to get my paperwork in order. Starting to do that now.

Don't feel bad about not doing math, you are good at other things. For one, I know that you have very good organization skills from when you helped run the Haunted House, plus good communication skills. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

Thanks Norm, it always helps for me to be reminded that I AM good at some things. :)

But I am praying for you, and I wish you good luck, and hope that you find something.

Thanks and I am also still praying for you! Good luck in your endeavors!

Nightowl >8#

"Only dead fish swim with the stream."
Linda Ellerbee
     Plunging in and asking this... - (Nightowl) - (18)
         Job seeking is a lot of networking - (boxley) - (14)
             Re: Job seeking is a lot of networking - (Nightowl) - (13)
                 Here's your reply - (jbrabeck) - (7)
                     Re: Here's your reply - (Nightowl) - (6)
                         Lying may not work for you - (orion) - (3)
                             Re: Lying may not work for you - (Nightowl) - (2)
                                 I understand - (orion) - (1)
                                     Re: I understand - (Nightowl)
                         re lying - (Ashton) - (1)
                             Re: re lying - (Nightowl)
                 Gah, touchyfeely Americans. - (pwhysall) - (4)
                     {cackle} - (Ashton) - (2)
                         Re: {cackle} - (Nightowl) - (1)
                             It WASN'T "in response to [your] post"... (new thread) - (CRConrad)
                     Thanks - (Silverlock)
         Re: Plunging in and asking this... - (qstephens) - (2)
             Re: Plunging in and asking this... - (Nightowl)
             Nah. - (pwhysall)

I'm gonna grab you by your Supercut and shake you like a fresh glowstick!
45 ms