I'm back. Seems like that's what I did...
Piss off both. We went to Montana. Wife came along "under duress", but seemed to be having a good time. Visited with most of my brothers and their wifes and kids. But when we got home, I found out that she wanted to spend the 4th with her relatives (never told me anything about it. Told the kids to ask me if we were going to Montana again this year. I, of course, took that to mean she wanted to go initially, so I made the arrangements. Silly me.) So she's now mad at me.
The kids were upset because my brother's jet skis were not available. He had them tuned up, but forgot to relicense them. He did take the kids out for limited use on the afternoon of the 4th, but not like they had done in previous years, and nothing on the other days. So they are now disappointed.
Oh, any my wife's illness ended up being just nausea. Might be more, but won't know until tomorrow (Monday) when I can call the doctor's office for the results of her tests. Definitely nothing that should have prevented her from making the trip, had she wanted to go.
On a good note, my "bus" (15 passenger, ex Sheraton hotel shuttle - still with distinctive painting) hit 14-15 mpg (had been only getting around 10 mpg in town) and I made the return trip in just 12 hours (~750 miles), normally it takes me around 15-18 hours, depending upon my "sleep level".
I had a good time seeing my brothers.
When they took the Fourth Amendment, I was quiet because I didn't deal drugs.
When they took the Fifth Amendment, I was quiet because I was innocent.
When they took the Second Amendment, I was quiet because I didn't own a gun.
Now they've taken the First Amendment, and I can't say anything about it.