"stated motives" for this Unilateral First Strike and especially for distrusting the unstated motives, many of which you can read about [link|http://www.newamericancentury.org/| here] -- then compare the people on the masthead, adding William Kristol -- and reread the roster of the White House Cabinet and 'Advisors'.
The urgency was claimed to be high: yet we see that Iraq was on This Agenda long before even 9/11. The bogus (and daily changing) rationalizations, you will find on a careful reread of "here": have been the major complaints from those of us who trust this bogus cabal for what they are: a first American coup d'etat, instituted by 5 members of the US Supreme Court [That's actually 4 members + Scalia's sock-puppet, Thomas].
"Get Bush" ?? By all means: Regime Change is a very good idea.
Indeed: impeach before the march into Iran, N. Korea, the deployment of the new 'bunker buster' nukes and Gawd Knows whatever other fantasies inhabit our self-anointed Crusader for Good VS Evil in the world.
Or - enjoy the bankruptcy without a whimper (the least onerous of the possible outcomes of the mess already made amongst former Allies).