Aside from the fact that plenty of folks doubted that Iraq had WMDs in any significant amount,Didn't Democrats join Republicans in authorizing Bush to take action against Iraq? Even Dick Gephardt still believes Iraq had the weapons and that we will find them:
"But," he said, "there is long, consistent, clear evidence that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. And I'm still convinced that we are going to find them."
the point you so conveniently keep missing is that Iraq was marketed as an imminent threat to the US.We know that had WMDs (remember the gassing of Kurds and Iranians), we know they provided no evidence for their claim they destroyed them all (even though the evidence would have ended the sanctions and avoided the US throwing Sadaam out of power). We know they had a nuclear program and had the capability to produce a bomb in the next 3 to 5 years. We know they had plenty of nuclear materials to produce dirty bombs. Unless you believe Sadaam was really a good guy and would never use these weapons against us or slip them to terrorists who would, then he was an imminent threat to the US.
Certainly not finding WMDs in Iraq would be a great way to justify an anti-war stance as well as provide ammo against Bush. I would argue there's a more important issue if we don't find them; that being who has them now and has anyone sliped one into the US.