On Saturdays, my wife works and I'm Daddy DayCare for my 3 kids, age 7 1/2, 6, and 2 1/2.
I joked with a friend of mine that maybe that's what I should do. I'll start a Daddy DayCare, because I've raised three kids (oldest to age 8), so know exactly what to do with each age kid.
My thought was to start a Daddy DayCare for 2nd shift workers ( 2 - 10, 3 - 11), since most day cares focus exclusively on first shift. Locate near a hospital. If the facility isn't full, accept hourly drop-ins in the evening for dates and stuff, too.
If you love kids, Normon, then maybe it's a career. I'm sure you can do better than Eddie Murphy, anyway.
Glen Austin