depending on gig location 1 person $15 per day eats * 30 $450 if you have 2 vehicles gas and stuff is a wash so approx $1000 per month expense $35 per hr times approx 160 hrs a month $5600 less 1k expense 4600. The 1k expense is fully deductable. I am paying full ride hmo medical out of my pocket pre tax at $730 per month so approx 3k net and no life. Well you could park on my couch until you found an apt (quickly) so you could duck motels. Also call sapphire tech in tampa, ask for Carly Ricchini email me for her number. An outfit I am interviewing for tomorrow has a tandem and is getting to ramp op and the vb combined might be useful. They get a jazzillion resumes a day so call and introduce yourself, they might be bidding on the same gig but might find a better rate.

finally 6 month away gigs are like jail sentences, I could do 6 months time on my head.