A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.
But I believe that this one is on the scale of, never start a sentence with "I". [Note the Puritan derivation of the sentiment behind That 'rule'] I suppose we were all exposed to pedantry intermixed with some also pretty wise hints & tips -- which is why professional writers or their lesser-cousins, journalists: had to invent what Strunk finally codified in, The Elements of Style. Children probably *should* be given, initially fewer options; they aren't equipped to handle the exceptions well - and only time and experience can make them ready to actually discriminate amidst whatever they will have absorbed. (Reading to a child is Never optional, I trust that 100% here need no reminders about.)
Still and all, IMnshO.. and as Ross has just reminded: we indeed think in verbal structure -- with pauses,,,, etc. not unlike the Genius that was Victor Borge (in his skit with verbal punctuation noises).
ie It is Good to know the rules, at least Strunklike - and necessary if you wish to be published -- before you deign to intentionally break them. Then, whether or not you succeeded in the aim of your excrescences will depend upon who, if anyone -?- grokked to fullness. No?