But I must say I admire your newfound warmongering imperialist spirit. Assuming, of course, that you're sincere. I gotta go into my grandfather's old stuff and see if I can find that prewar edition of Encyclopedia Brittanica. Those maps are faded, but still useful. A few minor adjustments will be called for. For instance, let's not give the Congo to the Belgians this time. Not after what happened last time. And of course we want to shut out those asshole French and Germans. Give Libya back to Italy. Give all of Morocco to Spain (I think we can forgive their past misguided experiment with a foreign legion) and give them back Guinea. Throw something Poland's way, maybe Namibia and Tanzania, as a dig at Germany. And [link|http://www.dangedo.com/dualehdokument4.htm|let Denmark have Somalia]. Let's tentatively grant continued independence to South Africa. The rest we divvy up amongst the Anglosphere.

Meanwhile, I hear the French and the UN are, um, addressing the situation. Not much comfort there. They're sending a thousand MRE's, or as they call them, troops.