Our IS deptartment heard about it and unplugged us from the world before it hit us. Then they spent 2 days applying the patch from Micro$haft to all our servers, oops, all our M$ servers. The UNIX ones are just fine!!

Only then did we get shafted. The patch knocked out our web development server. This is a M$ W2K server box running M$ IIS, M$ Visual Interdev, and M$ Visual Sourcesafe. IS applied the M$-provided patch using M$-provided instructions on an entirely M$ system...and broke it. We lost 2 days of coding effort for 5 developers just 2 weeks before release date. You can also tack on the several man-weeks lost due to Code Red, the countless man-months lost to Melissa, ILoveYou, Kournikova, etc. But the powers that be are still hell-bent on going to .Net.

But I'm the fanatic because I use Macs at home.

Freaking depressing; that's what it is.

Brian Bronson