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New when the facts speak for themselves...
Little Phil's signature proclaims: "When the facts speak for themselves, only a fool insists on having a debate." But after all, the "facts" never speak. Human beings speak; facts do not. Human beings sometimes imagine that facts, or inanimate objects, or their fillings, "speak"; one of the usual technical term for these individuals is "delusional."

Little Phil is never prepared to debate. His typical exchange consists of a long citation from one of his Usual Suspect "news" sources, a brief commentary thereupon, and a closing assurance that his citation is unanswerable, packaged with a bit of abuse for all dissenters.

It's odd that we continue to play by LP's self-serving rules. BP, for example, differs from many of us here in that he sees no correspondence whatsoever between the rise of the Third Reich seventy years ago and the consolidation of power by the Bush-Cheney-von Rumsfeld-Ashcroft junta. When called upon this, however, he puts up a spirited argument in defense of his position. Little Phil, by contrast, will ever fall back upon "When the facts speak for themselves, only a fool insists on having a debate," leavened with a bit of invective and conveniently excusing himself from the dreary necessity of logically defending his positions. When caught out in a more than usually indefensible position he merely ignores that salient.

I fear that we're doomed to play Little Phil's game here. At least we can take some comfort in his delusion that he's strutting before the ages--whereas the nose-breathing contingent understands that his oft-cited intimations of immortality will be lost in the signal-to-noise ratio long before the history of this sorry period is ever compiled.


[edit: preposition substitution]
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Expand Edited by rcareaga May 17, 2003, 07:18:01 PM EDT
New Re: when the facts speak for themselves...
Yours and [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=102385| Jake's] summation may become the choice of most of the er 'nose breathers'. After a while, the boilerplate isn't much worth unriveting. And we see that no actual dialogue is possible - merely cancelling-out. So, what's the point?

I too am guilty of replying to the unpardonable; I suspect it's compensation for too-little rebuttal to My Gramma - and seeing the folly of my view then: ~ in time, idiocy is apt to lessen via the personal humiliation of the carriers of the virus; so why bother.

Wrong! as Eric Hoffer observed (thanks to Alex's perspicuous reminder) we see:
Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Ah.. the ever-visceral Them!

"Leave her to heaven" was a saying of yore. But that was mainly about certain individuals with a cockamamie mindset, emoting all over anyone who would listen. You could just leave and not play. But.. silence in the face of the boosters of totalitarian thought, now exceedingly well-funded and - currently in control of one's local environment -?- Do we need Martin Niemoller to remind us, again?

I don't think there's any handy generality about the significance of that silence. Yes/No just rarely appeals to moi. The troll obv craves a venue for his / its? Mission of Mind-cleansing. (so much IS recognizable as tired old Human Events boilerplate verbatim, after all - so, is it Eliza-III-in-SQL? with the occasional interjection by its handler, to portray pseudo-consciousness?)

Ah well, since debate is impossible sans a minimal sense of mutual respect - I'll continue to treat these little ironical exchanges as, merely poking that probe into the Petri dish of YAN UQC, so prideful in that out-of-range 'bravery' and grammar school hubris.. But it's unsatisfying, this abnormal psych stuff. (Why does anyone dream of studying to become a proctologist?)

Besides, this trivial troll may be a mere bagatelle, but the Shrub Axis Lives, daily trumps YAN Constitutional principle (Oregon, yesterday.. Tomorrow ..?) And just now on Lake Wobegon, Garrison Keillor + choir are setting to music, We're All Republicans Now -- Tom Lehrer would nod, smile and say, "What? AGAIN !?"

Ashton, vacillating about chess games with any machine called Deep Colon

It appears that the machine just hates him, which is ridiculous. I know I shouldn't anthropomorphize computers, they don't like it...
via hnick
     Den Beste spells it out: Iraq and the big picture - (marlowe) - (8)
         The ones who wanted Saddam left in power... - (pwhysall) - (5)
             Re: The ones who wanted Saddam left in power... - (qstephens) - (1)
                 What terrorists, what WMD? - (mhuber)
             No, not me lot. But *you* wanted him left there this year. - (marlowe) - (2)
                 What's special about Saddam? - (pwhysall) - (1)
                     Golly, you're so impatient. - (marlowe)
         when the facts speak for themselves... - (rcareaga) - (1)
             Re: when the facts speak for themselves... - (Ashton)

None more embeddeder, I'd say.
110 ms