Request for update - code and/or fixed font quotes
Edit: added link to table in question.
I'm trying to past a table in another forum, [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=102246|here], and it's using a proportional font. According to [link|http://www.citycat.ru/doc/HTML/IExplorer.30/fontfrmt.htm#FixWidth|this], [code]this should be fixed width[/code] (using angle brackets) should produce:
this should be fixed width
And it does, unless the text covers more than one line. E.g.
This is a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long sentence with many line breaks.
This gives an "Unmatched tag found" error on attempting to preview.
Buglet, or am I misusing that tag?
Also, a [font=large,small,huge,fixed,green,red] or similar WeeCode would be appreciated. Some of us here are novices when it comes to HTML.
Alternatively a - "This is how you do it, you hoser!" - bash upside the head would work as well. :-)
(Although this is more of a suspected buglet than a tip or request, I thought I'd keep it in TFNzU to remind us of some of the WeeCodes.)
Request for update - code and/or fixed font quotes
I'm trying to past a table in another forum, and it's using a proportional font. According to [link|http://www.citycat.ru/doc/HTML/IExplorer.30/fontfrmt.htm#FixWidth|this], [code]this should be fixed width[/code] (using angle brackets) should produce:
this should be fixed width
And it does, unless the text covers more than one line. E.g.
This is a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long sentence with many line breaks.
This gives an "Unmatched tag found" error on attempting to preview.
Buglet, or am I misusing that tag?
Also, a [font=large,small,huge,fixed,green,red] or similar WeeCode would be appreciated. Some of us here are novices when it comes to HTML.
Alternatively a - "This is how you do it, you hoser!" - bash upside the head would work as well. :-)
(Although this is more of a suspected buglet than a tip or request, I thought I'd keep it in TFNzU to remind us of some of the WeeCodes.)