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New Re: I don't upgrade workstations

[link|http://www.debian.org/|Barry, Barry, Barry, get with the program.]

Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]\r\n
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?\r\n
[link|http://twiki.iwethey.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/|TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.\r\n
   Keep software free.     Oppose the CBDTPA.     Kill S.2048 dead.\r\n[link|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html]\r\n
New But... bbbbut.... BUUTTTT
It's not supported...

[link|mailto:curley95@attbi.com|greg] - IT Grand-Master for Anti-President
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry/|REMEMBER ED CURRY!]
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----\nVersion: 3.12+\nGAT d+ s+:++ a C++++ UBHLO++++ P+ L+++ E---/E---- W+++ N+ o--\nK--- w--- O+ M+ V-- PS-- PE Y+ PGP++ t+ 5++ X+ R tv+ b+++ DI+++\nD++ Q2+++ Q3A+++ UT+++ UT2K3+++ G e* h--- r+++ z+++*\n------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
New Hehe
Personal home workstation Greg.
Do anything I please, as lazily as I please.
New Thanks
Downloading via jigdo right now.

As usual, Greg attempts to make fun while you help.

Jigdo is amazing. I didn't know my cable modem was this fast.
New I'd send you a set of Disks...
But you'd just claim I was poking fun at you.

I have given out a ton.

Debian allows you to Upgrade/update incrementally as a scheduled task iffn you want. Once Debian is installed, providing it can see a Network Interface properly and/or a CD-ROM Drive, you'll never have to re-install it. That is unless you want a faster machine or run out of space.
[link|mailto:curley95@attbi.com|greg] - IT Grand-Master for Anti-President
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry/|REMEMBER ED CURRY!]
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----\nVersion: 3.12+\nGAT d+ s+:++ a C++++ UBHLO++++ P+ L+++ E---/E---- W+++ N+ o--\nK--- w--- O+ M+ V-- PS-- PE Y+ PGP++ t+ 5++ X+ R tv+ b+++ DI+++\nD++ Q2+++ Q3A+++ UT+++ UT2K3+++ G e* h--- r+++ z+++*\n------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
New I believe you
I've seen you do it for many.

But no point. Cable modem is very fast.
I should have it all in about 60 minutes.
New Jigdo

Indeed. Rocks.


Let us know how it goes.


If you need support (or jeers), point your Jabber client at iwethey.org and join group chat ziwt.


We're teaching Yendor how to count to two as I speak. He's making definite progress.

Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]\r\n
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?\r\n
[link|http://twiki.iwethey.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/|TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.\r\n
   Keep software free.     Oppose the CBDTPA.     Kill S.2048 dead.\r\n[link|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html]\r\n
New Speaking of which ...
Debian allows you to Upgrade/update incrementally as a scheduled task iffn you want.
I tried to set this up and obviously missed something. Here's what I put in /etc/cron.daily/apt:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -d
And here's the mail I get in the morning:
run-parts: failed to exec /etc/cron.daily/apt: Exec format error
run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/apt exited with return code 1
Can you tell I don't do shell scripts for a living? So what's the simple answer I don't know?

Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
New Well-formed scripts

Your shell scripts must:

  • Be executable: chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/apt
  • \r\n
  • Be scripts. Add a first line majick of #!/bin/sh
  • \r\n
  • If you want that update to run, you have to approve it: echo y | apt-get -d dist-upgrade. I'd add a '-u' switch for good measure to show what updated. You can also set this (somehow) in your apt preferences, check with chins Greg for this.
  • \r\n
Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]\r\n
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?\r\n
[link|http://twiki.iwethey.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/|TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.\r\n
   Keep software free.     Oppose the CBDTPA.     Kill S.2048 dead.\r\n[link|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html]\r\n
New I was missing the first-line magic
As for the apt options, I know that I want the script to download the updates but not install them. How do I tell it to download only, then how do I review what's going to be updated, then how do I tell it to install (or not) the stuff that's already been downloaded?

Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
New apt-get options

The '-d' switch is 'download only'. To confirm, manually run 'apt-get dist-upgrade -s -u' (show only, show updated) to see what's going to run. Then 'apt-get dist-upgrade -u' to actually commit the changes.


If you want to skip installing a package, put it on hold: echo 'packagename hold' | dpkg --set-selections will do this (or pass a file, or a 'here' document, or...).


Edit: yes, I meant "dist-upgrade", not "update" (above, fixed, twice)

Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]\r\n
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?\r\n
[link|http://twiki.iwethey.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/|TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.\r\n
   Keep software free.     Oppose the CBDTPA.     Kill S.2048 dead.\r\n[link|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html]\r\n
Expand Edited by kmself May 7, 2003, 11:54:23 AM EDT
Expand Edited by kmself May 7, 2003, 12:02:40 PM EDT
New Thanks, that's what I needed ... uhh, question
Did you mean apt-get upgrade?

Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
Expand Edited by drewk May 7, 2003, 11:22:33 AM EDT
     Bill Bennett - Know when to hold'em - (deSitter) - (38)
         Gotta love the dance when one of the Corporate moralizers - (Ashton)
         brilliant find - kudos - (rcareaga) - (33)
             I agree with him - (broomberg) - (30)
                 I could handle it too - (Silverlock) - (4)
                     What is the problem? - (broomberg) - (3)
                         Likewise... - (Simon_Jester) - (2)
                             Re: Likewise... - (deSitter) - (1)
                                 It's not solely a Christian belief.... - (Simon_Jester)
                 It's not the gambling - (JayMehaffey) - (24)
                     It's not a moral failing - (broomberg) - (22)
                         Certainly don't agree with Bennett - (JayMehaffey) - (21)
                             Drugs VS Gambling - (broomberg) - (20)
                                 Gambling can destroy... - (kmself) - (1)
                                     dam indians :-) - (boxley)
                                 OT request - (pwhysall) - (17)
                                     Re: OT request - (deSitter) - (16)
                                         OT response - (broomberg) - (15)
                                             text vs. formatted output - (jake123) - (2)
                                                 Speaking of irked - (broomberg) - (1)
                                                     Yup. - (Another Scott)
                                             Re: I don't upgrade workstations - (kmself) - (11)
                                                 But... bbbbut.... BUUTTTT - (folkert) - (1)
                                                     Hehe - (broomberg)
                                                 Thanks - (broomberg) - (8)
                                                     I'd send you a set of Disks... - (folkert) - (7)
                                                         I believe you - (broomberg) - (1)
                                                             Jigdo - (kmself)
                                                         Speaking of which ... - (drewk) - (4)
                                                             Well-formed scripts - (kmself) - (3)
                                                                 I was missing the first-line magic - (drewk) - (2)
                                                                     apt-get options - (kmself) - (1)
                                                                         Thanks, that's what I needed ... uhh, question - (drewk)
                     Heh..."I can quit any time I want..." -NT - (jb4)
             It IS so typical of the Moral Minority... - (jb4)
             Evil laughter - (Silverlock)
         amusing factoid - (rcareaga)
         What does the premiere of BC have to do with this? -NT - (jake123)
         Ever see the Recess movie? - (mhuber)

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