as soon as I work out a few bugs in a patent I have in mind. It will generate a large amount of cash and a suitable donation to MIT will guarranty my honorable Diploma. The question is price, is a cheap degree from Columbia State worth as much as a expensive one from MIT? Apparently not. I didnt pursue higher education because of the times I lived in. I did spend the best part of a year auditing at McGill psychology classes at all levels at Montreal. I never saw the need in the new society we were building for a bonifide degree. Either you could do the job or you could not. Things changed because of the grifters and scammers. The degree became a marketing tool, then a yardstick. Could I pass myself of as a petroleum engineer? No but how many jobs in IT preformed by Major Oil companies can I not do? Very few. The degree is a filter, I do not claim to have one and have never lied about my lack of formal education, but I have met many "educated" folks and at least they can follow the basics in their field of endevour. Is it fraud? Perhaps but if a person in a field has "X" years experience and done well lying on a resume should be punished all right but jail isnt the punishment I would seek.