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New Ulp + Berlin Diary II
You are a true gentleman, thus I accept such a generous gift in the spirit offered - with gratitude, and sans but.. butts. Note follows.

(The Arabs, in nomadic times displayed a cordiality whereby, should a guest admire any object in their tent / home / (Palace these days ??) - it was immediately offered as a gift.. persistently IIRC. Only a charlatan would visit with a shopping list, of course.. They may have revised this tradition since Murican visitors with Polyester minds have descended since -?-)

BTW and re the ominous NSDAP parallels for our particular Manic point-in-time, [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=53375| this thread] contains a mini-review of a trenchant book I happened to notice in a friend's inherited collection (which contained many 1st Editions).

Minor digression: that deceased who found this book - had been a personal Secretary to Earl Warren when he was DA? of Oakland CA! prior to Governorship and of course ... all the rest. They remained close friends or at least in periodic contact, I believe - all along. (I have one of the letters from Warren to her, from that time)

She, Olive Bledsoe had been a pilot! about the times of the All-Women Pilots Assoc (or some similar name) which included Amelia Earhart. I have before me a photo on postcard form entitled, Amelia Earhart and Contestants for the Women's Air Derby, 1929. Included are ten aviatrices such as Marjorie Crawford, Patty Willis, Ruth Elder ... Amelia and the flambuoyant Florence 'Pancho' Lowe Barnes. Alas. Olive isn't in the bunch - dunno how active she was in 'contests'.

My friend, who cared for Olive for a couple years before her death.. was saved near-destitude via an innocent painting by one of the California Six? which she sold a few years ago. In brief, this was a world traveler and a Very smart person - whose library reflected her eclectic interests (and good eye for the umm memorable).

Back to Herr Rauschning: I stumbled across the title, almost dismissed it as YAN barely-intelligible neologism-stuffed existential tome! On reading the intro though, I imposed on the new owner a er long-term loan. I found this to be the best single essay I've ever encountered - on the nuts & bolts means of the seduction of the German volk, right on through the {unknown at pub. time} eve of Poland.

This making it [if it must be said, I'll say it] the 9/11 correspondence with: the contrived subversion of the Weimar Republic by [if it must be..] thugs just like the Corporate Thugs now in the trough of the White House.. as the Lincoln Bedroom emits baryons across a wide spectrum, via the bremsstrahlung of the near light-speed rotation of Lincoln In His Tomb.

I am hardly a 'scholar' of the Nazi regime's rise to Power, though I have read in the several dozens - various histories and angles.. and my Mater was an omnivorous reader (and reteller). I am appalled naturally, that - pretty much any info on that-all, for anyone under 40? - has come ex-school or via the sophistry of Googled digests. I deem this large ignorance a considerable part of the proximate cause of the ease with which this regime has employed the Advertainment methodology, burnished very extensively from..

Ivory Soap - It Floats! 99 44/100ths percent Pure!! ... in the '40s

into the massive machine which today rehearses lawyers for jury selection and manipulation - and calls that a Legitimate Tool - and earlier kept the Reagan mannikin from ever speaking extemporaneously (as-in - the unrehearsed Star Wars "Umbrella" for all the little cheeldrun). And on in to the branding, packaging and successful marketing of a failed and dull Wastrel ---> into the present Dangerous mess, all the while programmed by the soon-to-be Infamous New American Century comsymps er neocons - the newest scourge-name of all Humanity.

Karl Rove *alone* got him into and kept him in the Governorship of the Great Cluless State of Texas.. and all which followed, down to the thugs beating on windows at the ballot countings: that guerrilla theatre to prep the USSC for Treasonous complicity / a comfy retirement.

So then.. while Murica might squeak through and hindsight may reveal that I and thee protest too much -?- WTF - I'll chance it: 'They' determined that I was a smart little twerp early-on (you Know how WeLoveNumbers in the CPA-Society). Who am I to argue with Them? Am I to dismiss every inkling in my bones since achieving a degree of sentience; disregard all the lessons studied, of the odious progression of the scum at the Beer Hall Putsch?? Naaah. Can't.

My smarts say - This Today is no Chicken Little scenario but.. the Biggest-yet Thing since the Civil War. The fact that it is not yet perceived so by some fictional majority is no more remarkable than.. folie a deux; folie a mill\ufffdn.

We impeach these gross Primitives soon or Take the ex-Republic and Shove It Up There, with the new bitch-rap Cee Dees and the SUV-Dreamstuff. Truly.. the Nintendo Eloi are in ascendance, like any plague just after mating-time. All whistling,
*Nobody fucks with Paul Lazzarro!

*Slaughterhouse Five, (for the **Eloi).

Ashton, Credentialled Cranks Gmbh


**"Nintendo-Eloi" is a registered trademark of Axis of Gleeful LLC, Discorporate Div., copyright \ufffd2003 Ashton Brown

(Agreed, Axis of Gleeful wins on homonym!)
.. Gleevul ??

er maybe Rand Corporation II though?

New do not forget
--to forward the email info to the delicately paraphrased address above, that the salon.com protocols may be deployed for the greater good.

"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
     Yee-haw! Reagan Junior on Bush Junior - (rcareaga) - (5)
         going into the archives for photos? -NT - (boxley)
         I recall his brief flurry as talk show host - (Ashton) - (3)
             may you have the joy of it - (rcareaga) - (2)
                 Ulp + Berlin Diary II - (Ashton) - (1)
                     do not forget - (rcareaga)

Sell crazy somewhere else. We're all stocked up.
43 ms