Here it is:
Ladies / Gentlemen:

I have heard no response from Office Depot to either my phone call to the Technology Marketing Division nor my email regarding the mandatory "Designed for Windows XP" logo program, which, among other things has antitrust implications and is very bad for consumers of technology products.

The only response I have seen was an email from Customer Relations to another person who had expressed concern - an email that the writer had attempted to withdraw. This email was 100% content free and made no reference whatever to the logo program nor did it address any of the concerns we have with this program.

Given this lack of response by Office Depot, I have posted an article on the subject on the front page of my Web site, and linked to it from another of my articles that is getting about 1500 requests a day. My intent is not to harm Office Depot, but to gain a reversal of this very anti-consumer policy as quickly as possible. You will find the article at

Thank you for your attention.