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New It's just another of our many euphemisms..
Congrats, Canada for nipping that little atrocity in the bud!

What the pee test means is:

Our War on Drugs cha cha cha - is prime hypocrisy of the sort we usually reserve for weaker opponents: we'll send the small-time guy with a month's worth of goods for own use -- to jail for 30+ years and then defoliate Colombia, Peru -- whoever lets our thugs in.. all rather than face the Fact that,

Daily life in Murica has become so odious to these tens of millions of Murican Users: they will risk the Puritan Laws to get goods anyway! Anything to escape the environment.

Bizness perceives how widespread is this desire to 'escape' -- and that often listed (in the "from" column) are: the cubicle, overtime and other dehumanizing aspects of the modrin Office and its petty make-work diet of really stupid rituals, its mangled TLA-besotted language of institutional Lying yada yada.

Ergo - the pee test.

who suggests: the extra $$ just don't make up for the fucked lying and ever-so Boring culture which made those $$-things into its God.
New Re: It's just another of our many euphemisms..
Bad pun. Bad Ashcroft^R^R^R^R^Rton, bad!

Actually, it looks quite likely that we're going to decrim the stuff up here, amazingly enough. I think they looked at the numbers and trade and figured that they'd be better off putting it in the open and taxing it than trying to prevent it... it would take a lot of the violence out of the business and net the state some cash.

As the song says, "Everyone's a winner baby that's the truth!"
--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton                            jake at consultron.ca *\n* [link|http://consultron.ca|http://consultron.ca]                   [link|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada               [link|news://news.consultron.ca|news://news.consultron.ca] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
     Opt Out for the Jevoha's Witnesses - (orion) - (21)
         Just tell the next batch - (Ashton)
         Invite them to your church. - (static) - (1)
             Good ideal - (orion)
         Get a skunk -NT - (deSitter) - (1)
             Maybe I just shouldn't bath for a while - (orion)
         I always bought them. - (mmoffitt) - (14)
             Wow wishing I could come over for church - (boxley) - (11)
                 I prefer the direct approach - (jake123) - (10)
                     in the US making more than minimum wage requires pee tests -NT - (boxley) - (9)
                         ... and you call yourselves a free country! - (jake123) - (8)
                             It's just another of our many euphemisms.. - (Ashton) - (1)
                                 Re: It's just another of our many euphemisms.. - (jake123)
                             you are free not to take the test - (boxley) - (5)
                                 french is just another word for nothin' left to lose - (rcareaga) - (4)
                                     I'm stayin' out of this branch; think I'll stick to the leaf - (jake123) - (1)
                                         canadian, eats american food not poo :-) -NT - (boxley)
                                     well being a good stalinist Viega you would know - (boxley) - (1)
                                         Re: well being a good stalinist Viega you would know - (rcareaga)
             Sounds like alt.shenanigans. - (static) - (1)
                 Mea Culpa. - (mmoffitt)
         Ask 'em if they wanna help hold down the goat. -NT - (Silverlock)

Shoreline property on Arizona Bay.
49 ms