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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Actually - He plays about 30 minutes 2 or 3 times a week...
Most of the time, he's Bob the Builder, playing with his sister, getting roughed up by his big brother.

Or in Mom's or Dad's lap. Chatting 100 mph, and constantly active.

Definitely NOT a couch potato, save his computer and TV time.

New extra credit
You said "definitely" - well done! No doubt spelling "lose" holds little challenge. Ah, it's a hard life.

But then you said the English, tubercular "save". Save that. Lost all your credit in one fell croup.

Note: I'm declaring verbal war on all of you. This place will soon rock. Ban me now, or suffer for not doing it.

New Teaching Shakespeare to a Texan
Sorry, I have a strange vernacular because I was a high achieving Texan, in "deep East Texas".

Use of the language is strange here. Especially because I live in Dallas/Ft. Worth, but I drive to "deep East Texas".

When the girls start saying ya'll, and use your name in two syllables (when It's a one syllable name like John or Glen), then you've found "deep East Texas".

All the men are cheating pigs, the women drive pickups as well as the men, and only the "city leaders" drive cars less than 5 years old (and they are Buicks and Cadillacs).

All the town leaders meet at the local "Dairy Queen" (Actually, Herschel's Drive In in our town) at 6am each morning to discuss important issues of the day (like what Noah did with the waste products from all the animals).

There's always some "deep thinking" in "deep East Texas". Remember, this is the place where Bo Pilgrim won't sell you a "fat yeller chiken".

I'm amazed that our company can even exist in this town.

"Wonder what they do ther, Billy Bob?" "Don't know, Jim" "Somthin' 'bout compooters, I think"... They got them fancy kinds, you know like the city folks have.

Glen Austin
You haven't seen MacBeth until you've seen it done by high school kids in East Texas...

Oh you have restored my nighted faith!

Ban me now, or suffer for not doing it.

You made my millenium so far :)
New Oi.
Keep the profanity OUT of the subject.

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
     Microsoft getting 'em while they're tots - (lincoln) - (13)
         Heheheh... - (admin)
         I guess we're supposed to assume... - (jb4)
         My son has been using Windows 98 since he was 2 - (orion) - (10)
             Child abuse! -NT - (rcareaga)
             Teaching 2 year olds to run a computer - (gdaustin) - (8)
                 I hope one caveat is followed er religiously - - (Ashton) - (6)
                     Actually - He plays about 30 minutes 2 or 3 times a week... - (gdaustin) - (4)
                         extra credit - (deSitter) - (3)
                             Teaching Shakespeare to a Texan - (gdaustin) - (2)
                                 MY FUCKIN A HE GOT IT!!!! - (deSitter) - (1)
                                     Oi. - (pwhysall)
                     The difference is that Chinese foot-binding is less harmful. -NT - (mmoffitt)
                 Jump Start series - (orion)

Those bastards!
70 ms