Did anyone catch the Falk / Columbo 'movielet' in which Mc Goohan played the Commandant of a Military Academy? (It's about to be turned coed by a guy, the Spitting Image of a Dubya! == wastrel son of the previous 'owner'. McG offs him spectacularly.. etc.)

(Naturally I could relate to the subtleties - all done well - re. the 'cadets' and the enviro)

Methinks The Prisoner meant to be his 1984 and he was born to play the part - he truly comprehends the ovine nature of the populace within the 'rich' countries.. and the deviousness of the movers/power-besotted who keep the daily illusion-pot aboil. That it demands close attention to pick up the snide symbols - takes it beyond the sequential prose of Orwell et al.

One Kewl d0oD, McG