A bonus for both parties.

Bush needs some positive press. Just in time, he gets an opportuny .--

One of his boys makes a stupid mistake in speaking (reveals his true racist colors).

Rove exults, Bush can use this!

Bush comes out in favor of whatever this idiot came out against. Or vice versa.

I can see these thoughts forming in Karl Rove's head (soon to be forcefully injected into Bush's noggin) "Bad press for you, Mr. Lott, your political life is over, mine will grow by capitalizing on your idiocy."

Kind of crappy though for the stalwarts, when they realize that the Bush team definition of loyalty only means loyalty for Bush, not loyalty back.

The bonus for the non-Republicans? See below.

We still get rid of Trent Lott as majority leader.

I'm not cynical, am I?