...as the Smothers Brothers used to say :D

The problem with this kind of anecdotal evidence is that if it were a Linux box that keeled over, we'd be all over it - "what's the distro, kernel, hardware, etc etc etc" - but as it's *Windows 2000*, which, as a community, we don't really understand, we just go "oh, it must be because the software is inherently crap". Personally if a box crashes like that I want to know why, because it's a problem.

Almost. I personally find crap in both platforms, and am more than willing to say about Linux, "it's because the software is crap." It's just that Linux' crap is fixable more often than Windows, to a greater depth of 'fixability', and without paying the vendor insane amounts for tech support. It's not a matter of understanding as much as praxis.

But otherwise, I agree :)