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New Saddam close to having nukes
[link|http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,62211,00.html|One more item on the list]


WASHINGTON \ufffd Intelligence on Iraq that the Bush administration will present to Congress includes information on how dangerously close Saddam Hussein has come to developing a nuclear weapon, Fox News has learned.

Sources told Fox News that there is also new information indicating that Iraq has developed new methods of chemical- and biological-weapon delivery, and also of contact between Baghdad and Al Qaeda before and after the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

From Vienna, the head of the U.N. nuclear inspection team said Friday that satellite photographs shows unexplained recent construction at Iraqi nuclear sites.
Everything's a mystery until you figure out how it works.
We are here to go!
The nihilists and the liars have buried truth alive in a shallow grave.
New How very convenient a prequel to the invasion.
New No, no, no! Not an invasion, a CRUSADE!

"Resort is had to ridicule when reason is against us." -- Thomas Jefferson
New Schultz is ready to go now.
[link|http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A43713-2002Sep5.html|"Act Now] The danger is immediate. Saddam Hussein must be removed."

Iraq by its own actions has, in effect, terminated the cease-fire established in 1991 at the end of the Gulf War and reactivated the "suspended" authorization to use military force against Iraq. No longer can anyone plausibly claim that Iraq's weapons of mass destruction can be eliminated by an inspection program. The Security Council's judgment still stands: A Saddam Hussein armed with weapons of mass destruction is not acceptable. Military force against Hussein is both necessary and authorized to rid Iraq of weapons of mass destruction.

The full range of reasonable legal, diplomatic and other alternatives has been exhausted. All conceivable forms of leverage have been employed: sanctions; embargoes; massive military buildups to threaten him into compliance; limited military operations in the form of air and cruise missile strikes; the encouragement of internal opposition; positive inducement through the "oil for peace" program; and diplomacy in all forms -- unilateral, multilateral, private, public, direct and through intermediaries. Nothing has worked. Any further steps will only provide him with more time and heighten the danger.

I think Shultz's argument is the strongest I've seen in favor of acting. But I hope Bush and Blair can persuade others before action is taken. It'll be interesting to see the information they release to support their views - and to see the reactions of the rest of the world to them....

New Agree it's the best yet..
What I believe confounds the issue is - the actual persons within the current US Administration and how they got there, the record of consolidating many government agencies under military control, the original Ari Fleisher remark which set the tone for supine media ever since:

Watch what you say.

These are steps actually outlined in 1935 in the Sinclair Lewis novel (!) It Can't Happen Here (and of course it is textbook, dystopian process seen in many other places). And while all are part and parcel of the paranoid style of Murican politics generally: the events we have seen are also entirely consistent with the prelude to the installation of a militarty dictatorship - anywhere.

We have succumbed to such phrases as.. "this War shall continue for a long time" plus the drumbeat of this already being? an Official unDeclared War -- with mere token public discussion - always under the rubric that, "to question the Government is implicitly treasonous". That such a counter-American idea can fly today: is a further reason to worry.

I see Schultz's intelligent summation as being sufficient to make the case - under other circumstances. The question shall apparently come down to whether the mistrust of this Admin's agenda, its competence and its honesty -- will outweigh his argument (??)

I also expect to see next: "evidence" to support the precipitate and largely sole-US action. For obvious reasons, the 'chain of evidence' (in forensic terms) shall not be disclosed == again leading to..

Whom Do You Trust? At all.

My take,


New Reasons and reasons.
The current regime will keep searching for ANY reason to oust Saddam.

The reason for the search is because they want to oust Saddam.

The reasons they want to oust Saddam is to avenge the insult to Bush's father and secure cheap oil for the US.

No one in the mid-east is going to be fooled by any newly "found" "evidence".

Yet we will continue to "discover" "new" "evidence" that shows Saddam to be a threat to women and children everywhere.

Expect, soon, to have "evidence" that Saddam abuses children or has them abused.

They'll just keep trying to ratchet this up until they find something that they can use to justify their actions.
New Yes of course they will - nothing is subtle about our
Commander in Chief and his Veep.

Yet the arguments of Schulze - in a situation where the evidence seemed far less likely to have been manufactured - could persuade. That's all I give his argument, which I believe is nullified by the dishonesty and other attributes of this not-elected regime. IIRC a similar 'public rationale' was made preceding the attack on Pearl Harbor (not that the Japanese govt. then needed even the pretense of a plebiscite). We had cut off their access to oil, scrap metal from US etc. as a response to their local aggression.

Obviously the current US government would flee from any idea of a US plebiscite. As obviously: the US populace is already considered to be under ~~ wartime martial law - exactly to the extent that tomorrow's Admin. decision opts to escalate further curtailment of civil rights. Does anyone here doubt that possibility exists - Now? We've heard the unchanged rhetoric and seen the utter disdain, nonresponse to every yes..but reference to the Constitution, to date.

Since I am one of those who believe that we are living under a coup d'etat - of course my skepticism of the forthcoming dog & pony show of 'evidence' could hardly become larger.

I believe that a lot of people are about to be snuffed; each death amd maimimg shall create and multiply new dedicated hatred of the US and all it stands for: at first merely by the 2-20? family members and then exponentially / not geometrically. And the US populace shall become even more inured to its decline in all qualities we once associated with 'a civilization'.

We know this, as does anyone not on life-support as a vegetable. The scary thing is: probably deep-down Dubya doesn't know this nor does Cheney. Or worse; sorta 'know' but imagine it does not matter, because we can bomb Anyone back to the Stone Age, and Will.

Even the timing/ploy of presenting evidence - is like a M$ product announcement (just after a superior one is shipping elsewhere) ... it fills the space which might be taken up by citizens organizing demonstrations before their representatives. That took years to get rolling re the gradual escalation of Vietnam on through to insanity. There are not years available for meeting the present [most likely] deadlines.

I have little idea of how much longer the current US consumer will continue to graze, accept the escalation of unConstitutional directives - and 'buy more stuff to keep the Economy from total collapse' while putting more flags on the car antenna. But under martial law... can curfew be far behind?

Sieg Heil Y'all

New Re: us Repeating history - Pre Poland invasion prior ww2

I feel I am hearing the rhetoric and drumbeating that preceeded German invasion of Poland pre WW2.

The majority of German people then - just like the majority US people now seem to be doing, had no qualms about accepting their leaderships claims that Poland was an evil country with evil designs on Germany (historically we know what shit that was). The Poles were seen as 'dirty' & semi sub-human people by the Germans just as many US people view Iraqis now (a sad fact).

The propaganda and manipulation taking place today seems to me to be as good a copy as one could want. Back then though, there were more countries who actually supported Germany's attack against Poland than there are countries currently supporting US Iraq plan. Perhaps that is a good trend (sickly grin).

Germany's leaders managed to engineer the phony attack on Germany by 'Polish' army and today it is hard not to view a lot of the anti Iraq claims as being a similar move using the back-drop of 9/11 as the pillar of justness.

We live in bad times. Surely we as smart people must be able to interpret the significance of why so many (almost *all*) other countries & leaders are so opposed to US plan. We give Nelson Mandela the world's highest award for his strength & integrity but choose to ignore him on what he says about US plan.

I can only say to each and all to watch & try to learn from these events - they really do herald a new world order. At least see it for what it is and don't let us pretend it is something else.

Cheers Doug

New Yes.__ and another reference or two.
In Politics forum, [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=50885| Silverlock]. posted a ref to a (apparently very well buried) attempted US coup d'etat - before the USSC one in 2000. This was planned as consequence of FDR's New Deal, in '34.

I found another ref. to a book printed in 1967! -- Are Muricans so disinterested (apart from my own ignorance of this rumored event) that.. no use has been made of the Freedom of Information Act: 68 years after the 'fact' and by now 35 years after the '67 book ?? Apparently - yup. I have to look further into this now, of course.

But the book I'm reading now, goes to your comments. From my post below S's linked one,
But Sinclair Lewis captured perfectly a sizable US group enamored of fascism, shiny boots and Efficient Authority, just like the Duke of Windsor and his Murican innamorata. Today such reactionaries seem to be calling selves some flavor of 'conservative': which was also the term used by the nascent Nazis - per a book I'm reading now, and which seems germane to this topic too:

The Revolution of Nihilism Warning to the West, by Hermann Rauschning. Publ in German (from Paris!) in May '39, just before Poland / WW-II opening. "Hermann Rauschning, the National Socialist President of the Danzig Senate in 1933-1934 who was ousted from the Hitler movement a short time later and then made a new life for himself as a professional anti-Nazi". I'll later do a review of this book, which I thought.. appeared even earlier (??) and obviously was not heeded by 'The West' or anyone else. A damning analysis of the Hows and Whys of Nazi accession.
There's some controversy about Rauschning, which I have to better sort out - he claims an intimacy with Hitler which appears dubious. But he *was* in Danzig, obviously became disaffected, and the controversy is hardly relevant to the analysis.

It's the clearest description I've seen, though he may overuse some academic words of 'political theory' - still he doesn't use them as blab-words. By dissecting the utterly 'content-free' "principles" of the Party and its elite.. I at last begin to grok the milieu, whereas before.. much was fuzzy about *HOW* the fat-cat industrialists ever *imagined* !! they'd take over after H. ascended.

Oddly too - I also heard today, thanks to Wade's posting of a link for an Oz interview [in Politics too?] with Hunter S. Thompson, via audio link.. his reminder of the precursor steps for the installation of a "temporary" military dictat, and how those steps so closely resemble the Ashcroftian processes since 9/11.

Back to your description: yes 'drumbeat' on all the Corp-controlled channels, and with some recent unheroic behaviour (re Palestinians vs Jews) at PBS, our public pseudo-BBC. It is indeed G\ufffdbbelsian propaganda, though not as clever nor [to suit our sensibilities] quiiite as strident. Yet. As Brandioch opines: look for a new revelation that Saddam abuses little girls. Then we will know the strike is imminent.

I'm barely old enough to recall live the anti-Jap caricatures, towards last of WW-II - and the slogans. This time the racism is muted but sub-rosa always there. And no, not in my lifetime did I expect to see Twice! as stark and unprincipled manipulation - right out of the textbook.

Practical difficulties though, for any nefarious schedules:

The world response - Germans didn't get to hear much of that.

Election coming in November - tip the House? retain Senate Dem majority? = depending on Dubya actions day by day, now.

Lastly and perhaps decisively - Dubya ain't no orator; he barely speaks the language. We all know what Hitler was; unequalled - maybe even by Marc Antony.

Anyway, we're both old enough to have heard certain facsimiles of this blatant manipulation via meeja - Live! and that makes the repetition even more horrific (and sadder - proves the assertion that homo-sap learns nothing from history).

I await the opposition here, to unbury itself from whatever consuming frolics are engaging most-all thus far. What Will It Take? is my question. I'm not optimistic.. feel rather that: 'events' shall likely curb any Dubya-Cheney Joint Dictat -- than imagine impeachment via an awakened and irate populace (!)

This entire week has been a circus of bathos, maudlin sentimentality re the 9/11 anniversary - orchestrated by daily sound bites from Dubya or Cheney. It's evident that this is aimed to submerge the Iraq venture opposition but enhance the appetite for Revenge: Anywhere. (I don't agree with Hunter Thompson's suggestion that 9/11 might be the time Dubya attacks! though it certainly ain't impossible)

Luck to us all,

Billy's Dream time?
Microsoft? who are they? I want Saddam and to save those little girls.
New The trick
I have little idea of how much longer the current US consumer will continue to graze, accept the escalation of unConstitutional directives - and 'buy more stuff to keep the Economy from total collapse' while putting more flags on the car antenna. But under martial law... can curfew be far behind?

The trick for any dictator trying to replace an open government is managing that subtle step from having public support to people being afraid to speak out. If it isn't handled well you get wide spread public revolt and the whole thing falls apart.

Unfortunatly, in the US today the press is working to help the dictator. Under reporting of demonstrations, overreporting of violence by demonstrators (to the point of outright deceptions) and simply ignoring violence by police make an environment where public demonstrations are of little effect and demonstrators are vilified for their actions.

Few people that don't follow independent news sites even realize that there have been large scale protests against Bush since he said he was going to attack Iraq.

New So, what would it take to justify an attack on Iraq?
#1. "Evidence" that Iraq has or will soon have nukes.

#2. "Evidence" that Iraq has or will soon have chem/bio weapons.

#3. "Evidence" linking Iraq and al Queda.

#4. Photos of Osama kicking back in Saddam's living room slamming brewskis.

"I take the fact that he [Saddam] develops weapons of mass destruction very seriously. I remember the fact that he has invaded two countries before. I know for a fact that he's poisoned his own people," Bush told his audience at a welcome rally in Louisville, Ky.
Like we haven't?

"He doesn't believe in the worth of each individual," he added. "He doesn't believe in public dissent."
Neither does China yet we give the Most Favoured Nation status.

Richard Armitage, deputy secretary of state, told a Washington, D.C., luncheon audience Thursday that he believed it "very incumbent upon us to explain our case very well throughout the world, including the Arab world of course, and then to enlist as many like-minded folks to move forward with us," he said. "My own view is all of these efforts are better off done in a multilateral context."
Dick Armitage should be fired. He's an idiot. Not for wanting to push for a consensus amongst the Arab states for this, but for believing that he has any chance of that now. We've been pushing to invade Iraq for HOW LONG now? Without ANY reason (other than Saddam is a stinky poo-poo head with lots of oil).

So what government over there is going to support our invasion now that we have "found" this "evidence"? Their people will see that as folding to US pressure.

Powell said the proposal did not come up in his discussions Thursday. He also said that the administration did not think it wise to prematurely "pigeonhole" any future move as multilateral or unilateral "but to make sure that the world understands the threat as clearly as we believe it should understand this threat, because it is a real one," he told reporters.
You have made your position very clear. Yet the entire rest of the world (except England) still doesn't see the problem we claim to see.

"I would think the United States would want to be in the same position it was at the point when we went to the U.N. in the early 90s [for the Persian Gulf War]," Daschle said.
Hmmm, I don't see Iraq invading another country. That's just one MINOR difference. A very minor one. I'm sure that the rest of the Arab states will over look that. Particularly after we install a US friendly regime in Afghanistan.

Think hectares, people. The more land that is under pseudo-direct US control over there, the more the other people will worry.

New Ya missed something
I remember the fact that he has invaded two countries before

Iran and Kuwait. Didn't the US support him in the war with Iran? Didn't he invade Kuwait with what he thought was US approval?
Re-elect Gore in 2004
New Re: So, what would it take to justify an attack on Iraq?
Hmm...notice that Cheney is still refusing to turn over (court order) documents related to his energy plan.

Wag that dog, tail!
New Hitchens wants more explanation of our aims.
[link|http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20020819&s=hitchens|Macbeth in Mesopotamia] from August 19, 2002.

A dirty secret is involved here. From the US point of view, the present regime in Iraq is nearly ideal. It consists of a strong Sunni Muslim but approximately secular military regime. All it needs is a new head: Saddamism without Saddam. Mesopotamia means "between two rivers," and we are, like Macbeth himself, "in blood stepped in so far that should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o'er." The United States had at least a hand in the coup that brought Saddam to power. It encouraged him in his attack on Iran and in the filthy war that followed. At the very time of his worst conduct in Kurdistan, Washington was his best friend. When he plotted to straighten the Kuwaiti frontier in his favor, he was given the greenest of lights. This is a record of continuing shame. However--and one cannot underscore this enough--these, too, were all interventions in the affairs of Iraq. And if there can be interventions one way, in favor of the regime, there is at least a potential argument that an intervention to cancel such debts would be justifiable.

The "peace" forces may riposte that this is illogical and that all interventions are equally obnoxious. However, we have before us the example of liberated Kurdistan. The Kurdish autonomous area in northern Iraq is an unintended consequence of the last bungled Gulf War. In this enclave there are the rudiments of pluralism, civil society and a free press. Some part of what we owe the Kurdish people has been repaid, and as a result of civilian and international pressure rather than any Western grand design. Could the same success be repeated across Iraq, without endangering what has been won? We cannot know for sure, because the Administration refuses to say whether it wants a military junta in Baghdad, a monarchy, a vassal--or even an Iraqi state at all. Given the open rehearsals for invasion, there can be no "security" excuse for this weird silence. Citizens should be demanding that our rulers publish a clear statement both of war aims and political objectives. The long-suffering inhabitants of Iraq deserve to hear and debate this, and we have not just a right but a duty to do so as well.

He makes a good point about the need for stating our political objectives. But I think that's something that must be discussed intensively with others in the region, our allies, etc., before we state our view. I'm almost relieved that the political side hasn't yet received as much press attention as the fever about the potential war. But the discussion should begin soon.

New A Humanist Viewpoint.
I think we should take all nuclear weapons away from any nation that has demonstrated that it is barbaric enough to actually use them.


Err,..., I guess we should surrender.
New Priceless!!!!!
> I think we should take all nuclear weapons away from any nation that has demonstrated that it is barbaric enough to actually use them.
> ...
> Err,..., I guess we should surrender.

     Saddam close to having nukes - (marlowe) - (15)
         How very convenient a prequel to the invasion. -NT - (Ashton) - (1)
             No, no, no! Not an invasion, a CRUSADE! -NT - (a6l6e6x)
         Schultz is ready to go now. - (Another Scott) - (6)
             Agree it's the best yet.. - (Ashton) - (5)
                 Reasons and reasons. - (Brandioch) - (4)
                     Yes of course they will - nothing is subtle about our - (Ashton) - (3)
                         Re: us Repeating history - Pre Poland invasion prior ww2 - (dmarker2) - (1)
                             Yes.__ and another reference or two. - (Ashton)
                         The trick - (JayMehaffey)
         So, what would it take to justify an attack on Iraq? - (Brandioch) - (2)
             Ya missed something - (Silverlock)
             Re: So, what would it take to justify an attack on Iraq? - (Simon_Jester)
         Hitchens wants more explanation of our aims. - (Another Scott)
         A Humanist Viewpoint. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
             Priceless!!!!! - (TTC)

Firstly they have wonky eyes, the left eye is always much larger than the right.
68 ms