When dissembling earns you 3-3000 X what.. being straight does: it seems that internal ethics patchboards can get rewired Reeel fast. Pretty soon those become 'soldered connections'..

Well, it's just a methaphor but - seems to explain the shit we too-often ascribe to mere dumbth, excusing the premeditated nature of most which passes for bizness 2K.

Icky.. for all poor bastards workin in toxic environments :(
Is that *most*, today?


who (sadly) observed the process in a (once) friend close at hand.. as he progressed up the ladder; suits got more expensive, voted Ronnie [twice] ... no longer even aware of (much less 'concerned' with) lo-level office injustices committed by (his) cowardly *now cohorts* {sigh} nothing left to discuss, finally. Golf?