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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Go for it
How much would it take to start up an internet store? I'm sure you could raise enough money via family and friends.

Darrell Spice, Jr.

[link|http://home.houston.rr.com/spiceware/|SpiceWare] - We don't do Windows, it's too much of a chore

New It would take more than that
anyone can set up a web store these days. The hard part is getting the money, and then going over to Thailand or having people over there do the buying and the shipping for me. Or just buy large shipments and have it shipped here and then add in the cost of the shipping to the items.

The thing about Thailand is that there could be two factories right next to each other, they employ the same type of people, pay the same salary range, use the same type of management and machines, and produce the same product that will get sold on the same shelf. Just that one product will cost more than the other product despite being identical. Also Thailand products have no warrantes and if it breaks they won't replace it.

The thing I like best is the Thai Shirt, sort of like a Hawaiian shirt, real comfortable and feels cool to the touch. I came back with a really bad sunburn and I wore the Thai Shirt and it didn't feel so bad. Only problem is that I had the biggest size they made, size 60, which was like an Extra Large over here (Size 46 in our scale).

My son liked a snack they had over there, I think it was called "White Elephant" or something like that. Basically crispy noodles that he can break apart and eat. He liked the breaking part, crunching the bag, and then opening it up. I think it was like 12 cents a bag, sold in a case. They also had a flavor powder that the kids can sprinkle on it, but it is Thai Hot.

They also had a ton of computer parts they made there. Really good keyboards, mice, and other stuff.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
     Insane Japanese Hardware - (JayMehaffey) - (12)
         That looks like a *big* timesink... -NT - (static)
         Hello Kitty Hub? - (orion) - (3)
             Birthday present! - (Brandioch) - (2)
                 Yeah, me too. - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                     Asian cultures - (orion)
         Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! - (SpiceWare) - (5)
             Thai items - (orion) - (4)
                 Like the Khmer Rouge Wireless Keyboard? -NT - (deSitter) - (1)
                     All kinds of things - (orion)
                 Go for it - (SpiceWare) - (1)
                     It would take more than that - (orion)
         hahaha - the aptly named - (SpiceWare)

When The Wall fell, I had a basement full of homebrew and a freezer full of venison here in The Land of the Free. All quite legal, unless I committed capitalism, in which case it becomes felonious.
35 ms