the history of zIWE (s/ware wise)! I mean.. you had something not so very bare-bones within days, and the refinements came in short order. If you screwed-up anything - for more than a few hours, say: I sure missed it!

Then too, our few outages don't seem ever to have been related to any latent site bugs, but just normal changes in our host's server configs and the occasional run-in with ?? (the weird domain-name seller folks what keep tryin to offer it to someone else).

IW couldn't get it even ~ right in 3 tries.. and every new feature needed months of a battalion of authors - who seemed to randomly pick RPN / algebraic for their math. Then it was Ugly on all counts, presumably because IW didn't have a clue even about.. what to ask for?

(Gawd knows their taste was in some nether region, so maybe they got from the dev. folk Exactly what they ordered. Naaah - that wouldn't explain Inclusion!) It's lucky I don't grok this programming stuff to fullness.. or I'd prolly be even tempered: always mad.

So have we been 'lucky' along with your being competent? Or if luck wasn't needed - how's come there be so Many orgs. out there who seem unable even to know how to hire someone else who knows WTF they be Doing ?? Are there as many retards in IT as in management !? [horror]



who hopes that Somewhere on your resume you eventually get full Brownie Points for this hat trick :-)

hmmm: The Boring Award
..for software that's no fun because it just sits there, works and never does anything surprising. zzzzzzz

PS: Wouldn't The zIWE S/Ware Adventures make an interesting story somewhere in The Trade? Sort of on the theme: "Hows come so many folks manage to screw up every aspect of making Forums work? Here's One that didn't." Maybe it could be done w/o naming enough names as would embarrass Voices of Enterprises.