Teaching a class of wannabe perpetual med students, there.. to Help People and stuff:

The entire repertoire of the recently-released KGB Cookbook for extracting Voluntary Confessions.

I surely hope that you can find *some* way of simply Telling these poor inmates The Truth about what sort of idiot crap - they are going to embed into their nascent neurons - and especially: What It's Like..." to be a cubicle-serf, a lo-bid, temp commodity IT worker in a US Corporation 2002 and Next.

Isn't that Your Real Job, sir?

(I know your words would have to be Much subtler than these, but - where above have I exaggerated the damage you know Will follow? as inexorably as, "it will be fixed in the Next Release\ufffd")

Gawd what a moral dilemma to teech in Murica 2002, where *Universities* are mere hiring-fodder-farms for Billy Ratt & Co and course outlines are created by unprincipled cretins.

I'll add 'teaching' to my list of places to avoid, next to 'bizness'.. :(

I shudder to think - don't want to Know! yet... - if Cal Tech today: offers such Crap as you are describing.. along with all the JCs across the country. Because if it DOES: we are well and truly Fucked, and 'University' now truly means only, pre-Biz-training camp for droids.

{sheesh!!} Is Everything.. sucking faster now? Are we AT the event horizon of that Black Hole >| where all thought is erased before it can begin?