Because your word-substitution indicates that Your Rudder-is-Jammed ---> hard-a-Starboard
--just like The Sirens' hypnotic singing (where the Brainz-eaters dwelt), offering a free daily lunch of Aperitífs, all aimed to whet the appetite for moar Drumpf-Nazi conversions. Murdering Language, within every utterance of Fake News!! Read our stuff instead!
..and you appear to be permanently abetting such mind-baffling-Shit. ie. You Are a bloody-Enabler of all forces herding your Cohort --> destroying whatever-remains-of 'democracy',
via every obfuscation imaginable, every time you concur with a wannabe, nascent Brainz-eater, seeking 'political advice' (if there Are?? any such, seeking your Mentorship.)

(I grow weary of ..'buffering?' my ripostes to you), for realizing from other experience that you're Not [just..] the mere-Megaphone, harbinger for near-always hyperbolic-logic under-ly(?)-ing n- non-sequiturs: as always lead to veiled.. or Active support for the Basest-ever-base, whose expressions regularly are presented: Just Like Yours.
I hope you can/could? craft a way of being Outrageous ... which does not regularly insult Our? nay any-Intelligence, at very least: Here?

tl;dr, well almost..
I wish you Well (-er). We Know that you are capable of rationality in many areas, BUT, weary I remain.
(Perhaps nothing can alter your trajectories .. I?(mine) We?(others') They?(any forgotten) ..except simply not-replying at all).

I mean neither cowardly veiled-threat nor even hint that you join [Him Who Must-Never Be Named--#1].
Not my point; especially for your being amidst We-the-Proud-Remaining.. Your counterpoints, enough times proved 'valuable' as anyone's. I would resist any thought of ripping-off-those Epaulets; expect that most would concur. I ask nicely? only that you attempt to filter-out the encypted/hyperbolics, more often; bring the Clever-mind either to Debate sensibly or--most valuable?--correct a post/thread? whose internal suppositions seem to have gone all-pear-shaped (to use the Technical term). Obscurantism has its Place: as when Bizness-tutored folk, ethics-freed: collect to launch/find-words for that: a Bankers-scale meta-Scam upon everyone who is One-Down: in their perception of ..just how Pure-shit smells.

ie. Peace!