We cover all the elements: the Bankers, the easily-pwned vote-machines, the air ... water and--not to be left out--we even pre-pollute where the doggie-poo might fall.

Now That's! *consistency! I wot.
* per that scabrous Dictionary: "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds." ✓ ✓

JEEZ I Wish that .."that Other Shoe" would Drop ... this fucking Brain-Eater/Dementor ...
1) Hates Love thence, all living-things;
2) most of all, His-fucking-Self, seen in every grimace.
3) It's getting like.. tied to a chair/forced to listen to ISawMommyKissing*SantaClaus In. Perpetuity.
* actually: His daughter,

330,666,000 victims and NO ONE can remove this Tick on the Asshole of all humanity???
What Wimps We Be/and that 'nick will be with us Next and Forever. Heil! Assholes--you-Deserve-this.